The debt ceiling vote is charging full speed ahead.
With a vote of 269-161, the House of Representatives used an 11th hour vote late last night to pass the makeshift debt ceiling deal and save the country from its first ever government default. The bill now heads to the Senate, which has scheduled a noon vote prior to sending it to President Obama for his signature.
Today’s Senate vote will occur only hours before the midnight Treasury deadline for action expires. Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Harry Reid told reporters yesterday he was not ready to “declare victory yet,” but he and GOP Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell expressed confidence they could push the bill through “quickly.”
“We need to send this to President Obama as soon as we can,” Reid said.
Stay tuned…
<span><span>"We need to send this to President Obama as soon as we can," Reid said. Uh huh. Well perhaps Reid should "send THIS" to the President ASAP also: </span> <span> BET: "Barack Obama LOSING African-American Support Over Economy" In the years since, the president has seen his approval ratings rise and fall amongst every American sub-community. But his unwavering popularity amongst Blacks has always been remarkable. A new poll, however, shows that Black voters won’t stick by Obama through everything. Everyone has their breaking point, and the African-American community’s breaking point is increasingly the same one on all of America’s mind: JOBS. According to a new Washington Post/CBS poll, “The number of African-Americans who believe the president’s actions have helped the economy has dropped from 77% in October to just over half of those surveyed.” Even liberal Democrats are finding it harder and harder to stomach Obama’s handling of the nation’s flagging economy—less than one-third of liberal Democrats now support Obama’s record on jobs. It would seem that you can only push people so far, and when you’re talking about their pocketbook, and the stability of their family, you have even less room to push. […] </span></span><span><span>Full Read:…</span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span> The President (and the Democratic establishment) take the Black-American vote for granted at his (their) own political peril. </span></span>