When things go wrong in the country, why do we always blame the president?
No matter which party is in power, the president always gets blamed on everything from gas prices to unemployment. But is it fair? Actually No!
Despite popular belief, the President of the United States does not have some magic wand that he can just wave on a whim and fix all our woes. If that were the case, wouldn’t he just wave the wand, avoid criticism and be done with it??
The president does not control employment rates — the private sector does. Sure, the president can come up with federal programs to help create jobs, such as rebuilding America’s highways and infrastructure. But he can not force private companies to create jobs or hire employees. That is an issue beyond his control.
The president does not control gas prices. Oil is a global issue and not a national one. Sure, the president can tap into America’s strategic oil reserve (a supply that is meant to be used only in a national emergency and not to lower gas prices a few cents). But this move would only temporarily lower our prices at the pump. Once we used whatever oil we released, we’d still have to go to our Middle East suppliers and buy more oil at the prices THEY set. Once again, that is an issue beyond his control.
With the health care issue now in front of the Supreme Court, Republicans only have the nation’s unemployment and rising gas prices to use as a political weapon against President Obama. But do not be fooled. No matter which party were in the White House, the president would be powerless in creating an instant fix for such complex issues.