Comments on: Deen Gets Dumped! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:54:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: truthiz Tue, 25 Jun 2013 16:25:34 +0000 @RWG – I hear you.

And let me just say – as a Black-American female who comes from a proud Black family THAT word is NEVER acceptable. Not under any circumstance! I don't use it and I certainly don't stay long around anyone who does…smh.

Really I'm so sick to death of THAT word. We all know the history. We know what it stands for.

Personally my feeling is this: Unless We (Black-Americans) are held to the same standard for use of THAT word (or any variation thereof) I will NOT support any punishment levied against White people who use it.

By: random white guy Mon, 24 Jun 2013 21:42:55 +0000 I never understood that too. I hear blacks say it all the time but me as a white person would be dern near hung if I said it. What's with that?

By: Truthizz Mon, 24 Jun 2013 14:52:39 +0000 Not dismising her "ignorance" (I checked out the transcript of her words). But I do think there's some over-reacting going on…especially when you consider what I see as a CLEAR double-standard applied to the use of the word "N*gga."

The truth is, I have never understood how on earth is it perfectly acceptable for Black-Americans to use that disgusting word….and use it with reckless abandonment I might add…when referring to OTHER BLACKS.

And yet the minute a White person uses that SAME word it suddenly becomes hightly offensive and absolutely NOT acceptable!?!
