Deepfake Videos Threaten The Future Of Reality

Have you ever heard of Deepfake videos? If not, you need to know about it now!
Deepfake is an old artificial intelligence recently made available to just about anybody. For example, it allows someone to create a video that makes a politician appear to say something he/she never said or to seamlessly paste the image of a celebrity into a pornographic film as if their appearance were real. To give it a reference, Deepfake is the same technology used in the film FORREST GUMP, which made actor Tom Hanks appear to be conversing and even shaking hands with President John F. Kennedy.
Sounds cool, huh? Well, not so fast.
The introduction of Deepfake videos into the general public would theoretically mean the death of reality. For example, a political party could create a video showing a rival world leader appearing to make a promise he never made. A police department could create a video of a suspect confessing to a crime he never committed. A tabloid could create a video depicting a celebrity admitting to an extra-marital or homosexual affair.
The possibilities are endless — and dangerous.
The creators behind Deepfake say the technology could make watching foreign films with subtitles easier and more enjoyable — however, it’s easy to discover 101 more sinister uses behind this simplistic explanation. After all, with sounds and images so easily manipulated, we’d no longer be able to trust our eyes and our ears.
Check out the video below and see why Deepfake should meet a deep death.
OK WASSUP! discusses Technology:
The dangers of Deepfake videos.