Comments on: Delegates Could Diss Donald News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 21 Jun 2016 11:14:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 21 Jun 2016 11:14:19 +0000 Tues. June 21, 2016

"Authorities: UK man arrested at rally planned to kill Trump"

LAS VEGAS (AP) — A British man arrested at a weekend Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas tried to grab a police officer's gun so he could kill the presidential candidate after planning an assassination for about a year, according to authorities.

U.S. Secret Service agents said Michael Steven Sandford approached a Las Vegas police officer at the campaign stop to say he wanted Trump's autograph, but that he then tried to take the weapon.

A complaint filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Nevada charges Sandford, 20, with an act of violence on restricted grounds. He was denied bail during a court appearance later in the day. His court-appointed attorney said he was living out of his car and in the country illegally after overstaying a visa.

Sanford has not entered a plea. [….]

By: Mr. BD Mon, 20 Jun 2016 23:33:25 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

I just heard that one of Trumps guys tweeted 'ding dong the witch is dead' when they fired Lewendowski. Now that guy is out. They are falling apart over at Trump HQ.

By: Mr. BD Mon, 20 Jun 2016 16:46:46 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

To Trump cultists. Hillary Clinton thanks you for your stupidity in voting for her friend and donor, Donald Trump, and helping make her President. You were useful idiots and you played the part to perfection.

This said alot right there. DJ had a article a few months ago about maybe Trump was working for Hillary. As bad as he is doing it sure looks like it. Anyway I hope the delegates don't drop him because Trump is the best thing to happen for Democrats in a long time.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 20 Jun 2016 16:32:03 +0000 NRO Reader:
Bottom line… Trump has NO ground game. He never planned on having one from the git-go. Now he's said that he won't openly start campaigning until AFTER the convention. Who in the hell does that?!?

So… he's gonna take it easy for a month and let Hillary destroy him in the polls and THEN eventually get around to her after all is said and done?

Hillary is kicking orange arse right now but you Trump supporters are suppose to wait until after the convention? Hell, she's even beating him in the favorability ratings.

It didn't take him long to discredit and destroy the Republican party, but now he decides to drop the damn ball in the Democrat's favor? ? Trump's delay is yet another sign of his unorthodox and disorganized campaign. Usually, by June, presidential candidates are well on their way to shoring up their campaign infrastructure and fundraising to meet the demands of the general election. Not Trump though. All he seems to be interested in doing is sounding off at his rallies in predominantly red states, and even his rallies have shrunk in size.

Behind the scenes, his campaign has shown little evidence of organization and strategy. Trump fired national political director Rick Wiley after only a few weeks on the job, even though Wiley was brought in specifically to coordinate with party officials and help shift the campaign toward the general election, but was released from his duties….. why? And Cory Lewandowski this week as well. Why is Trump dumping all his strategists?

You know as well as I it's because:

a.) he's run out of money
b.) has no ground game prepared going into the general
c.) he never wanted to win to begin with

To Trump cultists. Hillary Clinton thanks you for your stupidity in voting for her friend and donor, Donald Trump, and helping make her President. You were useful idiots and you played the part to perfection.

On Saturday, Trump was arguing that he doesn't need the party to unite behind him in order to win. He's about to get his wish.

# FreeTheDelegates […..]

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 20 Jun 2016 16:29:43 +0000 NRO Reader:
Trump's entire career has been that of defrauding workers, contractors, corporations, stockholders, and bankers. If I were you, you'd better be asking yourself what are there secret reasons why Trump is NOT releasing his tax returns?

We already know that Trump University is a fraud. We know that he cheated small businessmen and employees out of millions of dollars. We know that his charity, Foundation for American Veterans received a red flag from the BBB and earned an F from Charity Watch.

What new scams and bankruptcies await us? You want this as your candidate, then so be it, but there are many of us that won't be buying into this slick New York Pork Dork. […]
