Democratic Lead In Georgia For Control Of US Senate
UPDATE: The Democratic lead in Georgia has become a Democratic WIN in Georgia, with Jon Ossoff officially defeating incumbent Sen. David Perdue. The dual wins by Jon Ossoff and Rafael Warnock mean the Democrats will now control all branches of government: The White House, the House of Representatives, and the US Senate.
The Georgia special election is done and the electorate has spoken. As of this writing, a Democratic lead in Georgia appears insurmountable and Democrats are poised to control the US Senate.
The dual contests between Republican incumbent Sen. David Perdue and Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff, as well as Republican incumbent Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Democratic challenger Rafael Warnock, came down to the wire. Early voting in the state was key with a record 3 million Georgians opting to skip election day in favor of casting their ballot early. However, at one point in the evening, the Democratic lead in Georgia appeared so strong that Rev. Raphael Warnock delivered a victory speech (via the internet). He has since been confirmed the winner and will become the historical first African-American from the State of Georgia ever elected to the US Senate.

Rev. Raphael Warnock, the pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church, defeated Georgia Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler in a historic runoff election in a state that has been a conservative stronghold for decades. Decision Desk HQ projected Warnock as the race’s winner just after 11 E.T. on Tuesday night.
Warnock is the first Black person elected to represent Georgia in the Senate and will be only one of three Black people in the Senate once his term begins. His victory is a testament to the decades-long political organizing of Black women in Georgia, coming just two months after President-elect Joe Biden beat Trump in the state — the first Democrat to win a presidential race there since 1992.
Interestingly, Ossoff is set to become the first Jewish-American from Georgia elected to the US Senate.
As of 3am on election night, the preliminary vote totals were as follows:
RAPHAEL WARNOCK 50.4% (ahead by 45,575 votes)
JON OSSOFF 50.1% (ahead by 12,806 votes)
Absentee ballots as well as votes from our men and women serving overseas in the US military still have yet to be counted. At least 17,000 expected military ballots have until Friday to arrive and will be counted by next week.

The Warnock and Ossoff victories were presumed once the only outstanding votes left to be counted were in heavily Democratic/African-American counties in and around, Atlanta, Augusta, and Columbus. The stellar work of king-maker Stacey Abrams was also widely deemed invaluable in turning the once red (Republican) state to purple.
With the traditionally red state of Georgia going blue last November and again this January, it looks as if Sen. Chuck Schumer will soon become Senate Majority Leader. So long, Mitch McConnell.
Good morning DJ. Good morning All..!
Forgive me if I ramble a bit today. I’m awake but just barely functioning. Was up a little late last night. 🙂
Wow! What an incredible time to be witnessing history (AGAIN) in real time. This feeling I’m feeling reminds me of the way I felt when Pres. Obama was first elected to the presidency in 2008.
You know the handwritings on the wall when at least one popular right-wing site has already called both senate seats for the Dems.
I’ll wait for the official call on Ossoff’s victory but Congrats to the NEW senator from the great state of Georgia….Sen.-elect Raphael Warnock!
Hey Truth lol we are all tired today because we all stayed up last night. I could not sleep even if I tried.
Decision Desk HQ: Republicans Lose Both GA Runoffs — And Control Of The Senate
There’s always the midterms. Get used to that mantra, because it’s going to be a long two years — for both parties, but Republicans in particular.
Georgia Democrats won both Senate runoff races yesterday, as our partners Decision Desk HQ called overnight. – HotAir, Jan. 6, 2021
Republicans turn on Trump after Georgia loss
“Trump is the cause of this, lock, stock and barrel,” said one Republican strategist. “But when you’re relying on someone to win you a Senate race that also lost statewide eight weeks prior, you’re not in a position of strength.”
“He is the Dems’ best base animator,” said one GOP strategist involved in the Georgia races. “Look at how high turnout was on their side compared to historical trends. Look at how much their candidates raised. He steps back after Election Day and denies them that oxygen. He didn’t.”
“Turns out if the leader of a party spends two months actively delegitimizing elections and saying voting doesn’t matter, voters listen,” said a Republican who worked on the runoff races. “There was one decisive factor in Georgia and anyone who says otherwise is probably sharing substances with Lin Wood.” – Politico, Jan. 6, 2021
Repubs should have turned on Trump a long time ago. They hitched themselves to him and he drove them all into the ground. I am waiting to see what goes down at the senate today. I want to see if all the Repubs that said they would make a fuss actually do it.
Yep. me too. I’m working from home these days but I’ve got my tv on. The Joint Session of Congress has been called to order by the Speaker. Pence is speaking now.
Okay so there’s a lot of credit to go around but I must start with my girl…Stacey Abrams.
Just take minute to think about what she’s actually accomplished, thru that incredible organization she founded 10 years ago, in her ruby red, deep south Home state of Georgia. The endless hours, hard work, commitment, dedication and persistence it took to arrive at this place in Georgia history.
All of it rewarded by the majority of voters in GA…Especially Black voter turnout.
Well done. Well done indeed.
Breaking: McConnell To Blast Republican Elector Challengers
Perhaps this won’t surprise many, but it might make a few Republicans a little less comfortable on the floor of Congress today. Soon-to-be Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has arranged to be among the first, if not the first, to object to any challenges to electors from fellow Republicans today. As Fox News reports, McConnell has tried to keep the conflict private, but plans to open up his guns today.
Needless to say, this will put McConnell fully in Trump’s rhetorical sights. At this point, however, McConnell clearly doesn’t care. He just won his re-election, and Trump arguably cost him control of the Senate. What could Trump threaten him with now? Sending Lin Wood to arrest him for treason? – HotAir, Jan. 6, 2021
USA Today:
A top Georgia election official said Democrat Jon Ossoff, who leads Republican David Perdue, is on pace to win by a great enough margin to avoid an automatic recount as the state looks to finish counting most outstanding absentee ballots by 1 p.m. EST Wednesday.
Gabriel Sterling, Georgia’s voting system implementation manager, said more than 60,470 absentee ballots remain uncounted, mostly in Democratic-leaning counties in the metro Atlanta area.
“It makes it look like Jon Ossoff will likely have a margin outside of the half a percent (threshold) to avoid a recount,” Sterling said. “And obviously, Rev. Warnock is ahead of him right now. So, if Ossoff avoids that recount so does Rev. Warnock.”
Under Georgia law, a recount is automatically triggered when an election is decided by less than 0.5 percentage points.
Ossoff leads Perdue by 17,567 votes in a race the Associated Press says is still too early to call. Ossoff’s current lead is 0.4 percentage points. Warnock, who leads Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler by more than 54,729 votes, is the projected winner in his race. He leads Loeffler by 1.24 percentage points.
Sterling said the Georgia secretary of state’s office requested all counties get their ballots tallied by 1 p.m., and he believes most will be able to do so. The bulk of uncounted absentee ballots are those that arrived on Election Day, he said.
“No evidence of any irregularities,” Sterling said when asked whether the election has seen any voter fraud. “The biggest thing we’ve seen is from the president’s fertile mind of finding fraud where none exists.”
First of all let me say Stacy Abrams deserves all the credit. She made it happen in November and she made it happen last night. They already called it for Warnock and Ossof victory is about to be called next. This was a great day.
Fate is about to have its way. Trump and Repubs lost both times in Georgia. They are about to get embarrassed at the senate today. Mike Pence is going down for all his years tied to Trump. Repubs would not even meet Merrick Garland when he got nominated for Supreme Court and here he is today nominated for Attorney General. Everything is getting fixed in the world
“Everything is getting fixed in the world.”
It’s going to take a lot of time, hard work and commitment by the majority of Us (Americans who truly love this country). But you’re right. We’re beginning to “fix” the things that have long ailed Our country.
I’ll say this for a number of the Repubs in the House and the Senate on Capitol Hill – they know how to Oppose “democracy” out in the open, leaving NO doubt as to their rejection of Our Constitution and absolute contempt for We The People (the voting majority).
I cannot believe what I am seeing on tv right now. These MAGA people have entered the senate
In an act of sedition, Trump (the supposed president of the Untied States) has incited his followers to carry out anarchy against Our democracy in the U.S. Capitol.
He led them to believe he would lead the charge and then he scurried away to the safety of the White House and left them to do his treasonous bidding.
We knew he wasn’t going to go peacefully. That he would try to burn it all down. And that’s exactly what he’s trying to do.
If these NeoConfederate fascists had been Black anarchists NONE of this would have ever happened OR blood would have already been spilled in the streets of our nation’s Capitol.
This is an absolute disgrace!
Thank you Truth! If this had been Black Lives Matter storming the capitol they would have shot up the whole crowd by now before anybody even got on the front steps.
Trump has incited an insurrection and frankly I’m not sure even he can control them now.
Let’s be clear. WE (this nation and Our democracy) are now being held hostage by right-wing domestic terrorists. They are NOT “protestors.” And they have been incited to carry out this treasonous act of anarchy by a man who is the President of the United States.
He should be arrested or impeached right now. Full Stop.
And how the H*LL was the Capitol police NOT prepared for any of this!?!
Somebody needs to answer for this Colossal and horrifying Failure.
The time has come for the 25th Amendment. Pence needs to invoke it tonight.
You’re d*mn right.
And if the 25th Amendment isn’t invoked it should be repealed/removed from the Constitution because it will have NO meaning from this day forward.
Pamela is right. If this is not the time for the 25th amendment then it never is. This is it.
The world is horrified at what they’re seeing in our nation’s Capitol right now.
My Lord.
“No one who has participated in this poisonous buffoonery should ever hold office again.” – Kevin Wiliamson, National Review writer, Jan. 6, 2021
NR Reader:
If you’re a Trump apologist who doesn’t feel shame after today, you are beneath contempt. [..]
NR Reader:
And so much for fearless leader Trump walking with protestors to the Capitol Building. MIA, just like Vietnam. [..]
I can’t believe this is America. Except it is.
Yes indeed…this IS America.
An Absolutely Disgusting Scene
What is taking place in Washington is a national embarrassment, an assault on the heart of our democracy that has actually succeeded, for now, in delaying the counting of the electoral votes to make Joe Biden the next president of the United States in keeping with our laws and traditions. It’s nauseating. […] – Rich Lowry NR editor, Jan. 6, 2021
New from John Podhoretz:
“The sacking of the U.S. Capitol Building is Donald Trump’s fault and his design. He should be impeached and removed from office immediately.” – National Review, Jan. 6, 2021
NR Reader:
There is nothing that can justify what is happening in D.C. Trump is a complete scum and his riling this idiots up and sending them to the Capitol is beyond disgusting. Anyone who backs this is un-American and a traitor. Many conservative House and Senate members are now (finally) drawing the line . . . Pence deserves kudos for standing up for the Constitution today. Trump needs to go . . Now. Quick House vote on impeachment, Two hour trial in the Senate. Then, have the Secret Service drag him from the White House and hand him over to N.Y. Law enforcement. […]
Ossoff has officially won.
NY Times:
Democrats captured control of the Senate on Wednesday with a pair of historic victories in Georgia’s runoff elections, assuring slim majorities in both chambers of Congress for President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. and delivering an emphatic, final rebuke to President Trump in his last days in office.
The Rev. Raphael Warnock defeated Senator Kelly Loeffler, becoming the first Black Democrat elected to the Senate from the South. And Jon Ossoff, the 33-year-old head of a video production company who has never held public office, defeated David Perdue, who recently completed his first full term as senator.
Both Democrats now lead their defeated Republican opponents by margins that are larger than the threshold required to trigger a recount under Georgia law.
John Podhoretz, Commentary Magazine:
Donald Trump unleashed a mob on Capitol Hill. What he has done is without precedent in American history. Even if he had seven minutes left in his presidency, he should not be permitted to spend another second as the President. Nancy Pelosi should call an emergency session of the House tonight and impeach the president, and Mitch McConnell should convene the Senate tomorrow and call a vote to remove Trump from the presidency.
Well…will McConnell have the courage to do it?
I won’t hold my breath. But a number of very influential people are now calling for it so we shall see.
In the meantime a lot of pressure is now being put on Cruz and Hawley to drop their objection to Biden’s win.
Senate GOP Presses Cruz And Hawley: Drop Your Objections To The Certification Of Biden’s Win
I sure hope this isn’t in the form of a request.
The message should be: Withdraw your objections or your mob-inciting asses will be expelled. […] – Allahpundit, HotAir founder and editor, Jan. 6, 2021