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CNN’s Wolf Blitzer said it best:  last night’s opening of the Democratic National Convention wasn’t a home run — it was a Grand Slam!

The Democrats hit the stage running with a prime time performance that was so polished and poised, it caught even the most critical political pundits off guard.  It was a perfect opening on a perfect night, unlike last week’s Republican National Convention which was delayed by Hurricane Isaac and became more about the speakers and their individual agendas, instead of GOP nominee Mitt Romney.

The prime time presentation began with a touching tribute to the late “Lion of the Senate,” Ted Kennedy, who passed away following the last DNC.  The convention then presented a list of hard hitting speakers, with a “1-2-3” punch that would have made Muhammad Ali proud.

Newark Mayor Corey Booker, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick and former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland revved up the base with an electricity the Dems haven’t felt since the Obama inauguration. Hispanic role model, rising Democratic star and current San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro then loaded up the bases with a fiery and charismatic speech that was reminiscent of the one from 8 years ago by a then unknown junior senator from Illinois.  Then, First Lady Michelle Obama stepped up to the plate with an emotion-filled and “on-the-edge-of-your-seat” speech that simply knocked it out of the park.  Game over!

As CNN contributor and former presidential adviser David Gergen said last night: “If this is how the next 2 nights of the convention will be, the Democrats are about to open this race wide open!”





DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. a few ….Quotes for the DayAn LGF Reader:…the major difference is sincerity.The RNC was a weird amalgam of distilled cognitive dissonance, lies of omission & commission, religious bigotry, barely concealed racial animus and the congealed blood of Jesus.The DNC (so far) is just people telling the truth.  […]       2012 Democratic National Convention: Michelle Obama Edition… Jonah Goldberg at National Review:I thought as a political speech it was excellent and did nearly everything she needed it to do. She was more comfortable and convincingly passionate than Ann Romney and made not only a defense of her husband the man  (where Ann also excelled) but also of her husband’s policies (where Ann Romney was largely silent, if memory serves). Will it convince anyone already leaning against Obama to change their mind, I sincerely doubt it. Will it win back a few waverers? Quite possibly.  Will it fire up the Democratic base? Absolutely. […]NRO: "Michelle's Speech"

  2. "In sum, a much stronger first night than the Republicans’. Better orchestrated. Better speeches. And far more excitement in the hall for the candidate. What was that about the “enthusiasm gap” the Democrats are suffering from, which has been conventional wisdom for months, or actually a couple of years? As of last night, the enthusiasm gap is quickly morphing into something that Mitt Romney needs to worry about."                                                        ~ Michael Tomasky TDB: "Castro and Others: What Enthusiasm Gap?"<a href="; rel="nofollow"&gt <a href="http://; ; <br />The truth is, I passed on watching the Repub convention last week and chose instead to relay on a diverse sampling of reviews by writers on socio-political blogs I've come to respect, Left, Right (meaning TRUE Conservatives) and Center. I was then able to get a consensus from those diverse points of views. This week I'm doing the same, passing on watching the Dem's convention and relying only on a sampling of reviews by writers that I respect. 

  3. I'm not usually into conventions but I checked out the Democrats last night and I gotta say I was all in! The whole vibe was exciting and reminded me of the way we all felt when Obama ran back in 2008. One guy on CNN, I can't remember his name, got emotional and I admit I kinda did too. Barack is still making history and we can't forget that. They got me pumped up now.

  4. "Barack is still making history and we can't forget that. They got me pumped up now."I hear you BD…and quite frankly I'm fired up and "RET TA GO" myself! But err um…I'm still gonna pass on watching the convention 😉 …..

  5. <span>…a "minorty" point of view….   Mark McKinnon:  I may be in a minority, but I don't think the speech itself was a home run. I thought it was solid. I think it clearly accomplished the goal of humanizing Obama and reminding people why they like the first husband and the first family. But in the annals of convention speeches, I don't think it will be remembered much for the content, the theme, the vision or any lines except perhaps for "being president doesn't change who you are. It reveals who you are."</span><span></span><span>But it was Michelle’s and Julián's primary jobs to get Democrats all fired up and ready to go as the kicked things off in Charlotte. Mission accomplished. […]                                                                                           TDB: "Michelle Obama’s Speech: Successful, But Not Great"…</span><span></span><span>McKinnon: </span><span>I don't think it will be remembered much for the content, the theme, the vision or any lines except perhaps for <span>"being president doesn't change who you are. It reveals who you are."</span> [..]   I don't know Mark. I'm thinking that sentiment alone, expressed Beautifully by the First Lady (and in contrast to Romney), could prove to make the entire speech worth its political weight in gold! </span>

  6. Aww this man is just a hater, just like some of the Repub haters last night who were himmin and hawin trying every way they could to find something bad to say. It wasn't the I have a Dream speech or nothing like that but it wasn't supposed to be either. She was supposed to get the crowd excited and interested again and she did it. Why everybodys trying to pick it apart I don't know.

  7. …back to a majority opinion and Quote for the Day….HuffPost Reader: I've always been sort of yeah, okay, when people rave about how beautiful Michelle Obama is, but tonight she looked fantastic, as beautiful as everybody always says, and her oratory was emotionally gripping when it wasn't simply pitch perfect and grounded in a healthy perception of reality. I especially I liked the way she described a bunch of poor people scrambling to make it to the top, a whole lot <span>better than Ann's story about the scions of oligarchs chipping away at inherited stock options just to stay there. If anybody thought Ann came anywhere close to doing her job humanizing Mitt, Michelle just showed what a commercial for LifeLike Dolls Inc. Mrs. Romney's speech really was. […]</span><span>"Obama, Daughters Sasha And Malia, Watch Michelle Give DNC Speech" </span><span>…</span>

  8. The truth is, I visit DailyKos, on average, ONCE a year…and today turned out to be a good day for me to visit. Pope Buck has written a really nice piece titled:"A Family I'm Proud To Be Part Of"  Excerpt:Watching all that (the Repub convention), I posted on Facebook that the Republicans came off like a brittle, dysfunctional rich family out of an Edward Albee play – homogeneous on the surface (and blindingly white) but trying mightily, and failing, to conceal their distaste/open hatred for their nominee, each other, and any Americans who don't look, believe, or act just like them. Or as one of my FB friends called it FTW: "August – Hillsborough County."Tonight at the DNC, I got a picture of a very different family – one of those big, messy, squabbling-but-close-knit blue-collar families like on heartwarming TV dramas. We're not all alike. (I cheered tonight for African-Americans, women, Hispanics, GLBTs, veterans, and I'm only personally one of those things. And I saw everyone on the floor cheering for them too. EVERYONE.) We've had our differences in the past, and when we disagree we aren't shy about calling each other out. But in the end, we're brothers and sisters, all struggling to get through the day by being there for each other.We know America is best when people pull together and help each other, and stand up for each other.Those differences are especially apparent when you look at the view of America each party came up with. […]Read:

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