Democrats Should Desire ‘The Donald’

Politics –
Democrats Desire ‘The Donald’
As Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump prepares for Tuesday’s primary in his home state of New York, his campaign couldn’t be any more in disarray. Here’s why that is bad news for Democrats.
Trump has never tried to hide the fact that he is a raging racist, misogynist, xenophobe, homophobe, egomaniac and more. While these are traits Republicans despise most about “The Donald,” they are exactly the traits Democrats should want in a Republican challenger. Why, you ask? Because Trump has the power to make history this November by turning out Democratic and anti-Trump voters in numbers never before seen in American politics.
Just take a look at the scores of protesters who frequently show up to Trump rallies and this will all make sense to you. Protesters hate the rhetoric so much, they simply can’t stand to sit idly by and do nothing. So, they show up to register their discontent — which is exactly what they will do in the general election.
Although it’s still very early, poll numbers universally show that both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders would beat Donald Trump in the general election by epic proportions.
In recent head-to-head polls against Hillary Clinton in a general election, Trump trails in every key state, including Florida and Ohio. In Democratic-leaning states across the Rust Belt, his deficit is even worse: Mrs. Clinton leads him by double digits in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. In fact, he is so negatively viewed, polls have begun to suggest that he could make otherwise safe Republican states up for grabs.
Trump has become almost irreversibly unacceptable to broad groups of Americans, including large majorities of women, nonwhites, Hispanics, voters under 30 and those with college degrees — the voters who powered both of President Obama’s victories and represent the country’s demographic future. Trump is viewed unfavorably by a 2-to-1 margin, according to a recent New York Times/CBS News poll.
“We’re talking about somebody who has the passionate devotion of a minority and alternately scares, appalls, angers — or all of the above — a majority of the country. This isn’t anything but a historic election defeat just waiting to happen,” conservative analyst Henry Olsen recently said.
“There is no precedent for this,” said Neil Newhouse, a veteran Republican pollster. “In the modern polling era, since around World War II, there hasn’t been a more unpopular potential presidential nominee than Donald Trump.”
With most every poll showing the identical outcome, why else would the GOP be scrambling to prevent him from seizing the Republican nomination if they didn’t smell a huge defeat?
According to E.J. Dionne Jr. of The Washington Post, Trump is positioned to enter the general election with significantly lower public approval ratings than any major party nominee in U.S. history. Or in other words, Trump’s hundreds of thousands of loyal supporters don’t stand a chance against the millions of American voters who simply can’t wait to cast their ballot against him.
Not only is the bad news for Donald Trump, but also for the sinking ship once known as the Grand Ol’ Party. If Trump seizes the Republican nomination, the GOP faces an unprecedented loss in the fall. If Republicans are able to wrestle the nomination away from him in favor of an establishment candidate, Trump has threatened to run as a 3rd party candidate and siphon away votes from the Republican ticket. In either scenario, Democrats are aligned for a huge victory in November, while Trump and the GOP are “damned if they do, damned if they don’t.”
Trump’s recent woes are “an aberration that Trump, the magician, will somehow surmount,” Dionne said. “In fact, these episodes tumbling one upon the other ratify what Trump skeptics said all along: that he is utterly unprepared to be a serious candidate, let alone president of the United States; that an endless stream of insults against all who get in his way wears thin over time; that he is winging it and stubbornly refusing to do the homework the enterprise he’s engaged in requires; and that trashing ethnic and religious minorities can win you a fair number of votes but not, thank God, a majority of Americans.”
Trump’s big loss in Wisconsin last week could signal a domino effect of upcoming losses in other big states, including Pennsylvania, California, New Jersey and possibly his home state of New York. If this happens, it will be far easier for Republican Party bosses to deny him the nomination, since he would look less like a Republican favorite and more like a flash in the pan. This is not what Democrats should want.
Yes, Democrats want Trump to implode. However, if that happens too early, Hillary or Bernie would lose their ideal opponent and a match made in heaven. So, the thought among Democratic circles is not the hashtag #NeverTrump, but “Go Trump, Go!” Root for Trump to continue to win all the way up to the nomination. Root for a historic and embarrassing brawl on the floor of the Republican National Convention. Then root for Donald J. Trump to be on the November ballot, so that Democrats can wipe the floor with him and his band of misfits.
In the words of Dionne: “Journalists need to remember that ratings and page views are not the same as votes and that Americans may love circuses but ultimately want elections to be more than Barnum & Bailey productions. Trump has entranced the media and ignited a minority of Republican primary voters. He has never, ever won over anything close to a majority of the American electorate. We demean ourselves as a people if we think that Trumpism is the wave of the future.
“Journalists and citizens alike should cultivate, not resist, their most honorable instincts. The instinct that Americans would never choose as their president a clownish peddler of racial and religious stereotypes who made everything up as he went along was right from the start.”
Trump skeptics said all along: that he is utterly unprepared to be a serious candidate. […]
HAH. An understatement if ever one was made.
Forgive me for repeating myself but honestly, except for (possibly) Kasich, none of the other Repubs can beat Hillary.
And their failure has nothing to do with Hillary running a great campaign. Her campaign has been horrid. BUT….when you compare her to the dangerous Repubs she's up against, she's head-and-shoulders above those clowns.
And I suspect her win in November will be due to most voters gleefully casting their votes AGAINST Trump (specifically) or Cruz and the Repubs, generally, moreso than FOR Hillary. I'm in that group.
Btw- given all the blood-letting going on within the GOP. (thanks to Trump)…including right-wing media (Faux News, blog-sites and talk-radio) there's not gonna be much of anything left of that party no matter who gets their nomination. Heck, Rush sounds like he's losing it, as he's being lambasted on all sides in right-wing world.
…..on a related note…..
"Rush Limbaugh Has Completely Lost His Way"
Probably no one has earned more leeway from conservative voters and pundits than Rush Limbaugh. Rush has been a tireless force for the conservative movement for decades, and he probably is responsible for a whole lot of conservative Republicans who are currently in office. But thankfulness for past service only goes so far, and Rush’s program yesterday officially crossed the line.
When I think about Rush’s last year or so on air, I’m reminded of Marshall Phillipe Petain, one of the most intriguing figures of the twentieth century. Without Petain, the French might not have prevailed over the Germans at Verdun, and thus might have lost World War I. But for as much thanks as France owed Petain for his service in World War I, the full historical reckoning for Petain must acknowledge that Petain was a Nazi collaborator, the leader of Vichy France, and a totalitarian dictator. Petain’s history is complicated, and to tell the whole tale honestly requires acknowledging both the good and the bad.
So it is with Rush. For all he has done, and for all we should be thankful for, it is hard to deny that Donald Trump has brought conservatism to a critical moment. […] – Leon Wolf, writer at RedState
RS Reader:
Bingo! Perfectly stated. Rush, Drudge, Breitbart and Fox were my go to sites. I've quit them all.[…]
This is a real smart article DJ. I think a lot of people get nervous about Trump and want to stop him. They see all these supporters on tv and get scared. But Trump is the best thing that could happen to Democrats. I'm with you, I'm saying go Trump go.