Comments on: Democrats Prepped For A Happy New Year! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 04 Jan 2016 20:05:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Mon, 04 Jan 2016 20:05:37 +0000 Also, on a related note……

I…um…just saw Trump's "ridicules" first presidential tv ad.

First: No way he paid more than a buck-fifty for it. No way.

Second: This has to be some kind of joke!?!. A very BAD joke, I'll grant you. But his entire campaign is a joke.


Slate Reader:
Trump is perfection. Fantastical, empty promises with no basis in reality wrapped in neo-fascist rhetoric colored with a whiff of racist demagoguery. I'd say he nailed it. […]

UPDATE: Politifact is reporting:

"Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco" NOT the Mexican border

Trump’s television ad purports to show Mexicans swarming over "our southern border." However, the footage used to support this point actually shows African migrants streaming over a border fence between Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Melilla, more than 5,000 miles away. We rate the claim Pants on Fire. […]

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 04 Jan 2016 17:47:09 +0000 Btw, the past 5 days I had been at home battling flu-like symptoms. Finally this morning I took my butt to the doctor and found out I have Bronchial pneumonia,…so at least I'm taking the right medication now to tackle this illness.

But I shared all that to say this….

Since I've been literally bed-ridden for days I've tried to do some reading. And while most of my effort has been in vain (too sick to fully focus) I did run across a passage that manged to stick. It immediately brought to mind the Republican elites finally getting their comeuppance (first, in the form of Trump) for their arrogant and cynical use of the Southern Strategy and all other equally dangerous tactics embraced by Repubs for decades in order to gain, and maintain, votes, money and power.

Literature: "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" (1927)


"I say to you againe, do not call up Any that you cannot put downe; by the Which I mean, Any that can in Turne call up somewhat against you, whereby your Powerfullest Devices may not be of use. Ask of the Lesser, lest the Greater shall not wish to answer, and shall commande more than you." – H. P. Lovecraft, author

H/T: DriftGlass Reader –

"Congratulations, Republicans! You have sold yourselves to an eldrich horror."

By: Mr. BD Mon, 04 Jan 2016 17:23:42 +0000 Very good article to start the new year DJ. Repubs know they are in trouble and if Trump gets the nomination it'll be game over. Truth is right when she said Dems should not take anything for granted. But if Hillary gets the nomination and does add a latino to the ticket it'll also be game over. This should be a good year for Dems.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 04 Jan 2016 17:02:46 +0000 Great summary DJ. All points, well made.

Though I caution Dems…especially Hillary…do NOT get cocky or complacent. As Hillary should know by now, the presidential election AIN'T over….till it's over.

This country can't afford for ANY Dems running for their respective offices to take ANY votes for granted. Not.One. – no matter how absolutely Horrific Repub candidates are.
