Current Events

Steven Anderson is not merely content with preaching salvation and the love of Jesus Christ. Noooo, that would be too easy, too “Christ-like.” Instead, he has set his sights on encouraging the members of his church to literally “pray” for Michelle Obama to soon be widowed and for the Obama children to soon be made fatherless. Here are the words of this Devil in the Pulpit spoken during a recent sermon to his congregation:
– I HATE Obama.
– I’d like to see Obama melt like a Snail..he needs to reap what he sows.
– When I go to bed tonight, Steven L. Anderson is going to pray for Obama to die and go to Hell!
Since calling for the death of the President of the United States is still considered a felony within this country, perhaps those of us with logical minds and a clear head can pray the Secret Service will soon have this lunatic locked up and behind bars before he’s able to deliver another sermon. LISTEN to his words:
Thank goodness we live in day when information technology makes it possible to EXPOSE these evil-azz, right-wing, Kristianist, LUNATICS for who they are_IN REAL TIME.This cretin and his followers are perfect examples of WHY this country comes across, to much of the world, as a backwards, ignorant, ruthlessly VIOLENT and hypocritcal nation_smh.
He is a devil worshipper