Diamond Intersection = No Left Turn

Technology –
Diamond Intersection
= No Left Turn
Do you hate having to make a left turn at a busy intersection, only to see 1 or 2 cars make it through the traffic light while you’re stuck waiting for the next wave to proceed? Well, a “Diamond Intersection” may be just the thing for you.
Yes, left turns can be stressful. Not only do you have to wait impatiently for a break in the stream of cars coming toward you, but you frequently hold up traffic behind you by preventing them from driving forward while you’re attempting a left turn. Now, there’s a new intersection design that could save you all the hassle.
The “diverging diamond interchange” also known as DDI or the Diamond Intersection, creates designated ramps that gradually direct cars to veer left or right, without ever requiring them to cross in front of ongoing traffic.
The DDI was popularized in the US by Gilbert Chlewicki, the founder of transportation planning and design firm Advanced Transportation Solutions. Despite looking complicated, the design is actually a simple concept.
Check out the informative video below and learn how the road of the future could completely eliminate the need for left turns in traffic altogether.
OK WASSUP! discusses technology:
Diamond Intersection eliminates left turns.
Thanks DJ. This is really interesting.
I immediately thought of Atlanta's traffic. Though it's been about 6 yrs since I've visited that city I certainly remember the traffic driving into that city, especially downtown Atlanta (at almost anytime) and most certainly during rush hour times. .
I searched Youtube and found a video showing the first DDI in Metro Atlanta, in 2012 (I believe) at the junction of Ashford Dunwoody Rd. and I-285 which is just North of Atlanta.
I'm actually planning to spend a day ( or 2) in Atlanta in late summer visiting with a friend, on the way to my home-away-from-home, Savannah, where I'll spend a week vacationing. Forsyth Park. Tybee Island. Seafood & Soul Food and the Savannah Jazz Festival in September.
Yes indeed. I am long overdue for this trip..and I can' wait…lol
That's actually interesting. Any idea when it gets implemented?