Childish NYPD Diss Mayor…Again!
January 6, 2015
Top News Today
Their version of disrespect toward their boss, the mayor, was first seen more than a week ago during the funeral of slain Officer Rafael Ramos. However, that moment of delusion must not have been good enough for the men and women in blue, as they repeated their back-turning hissy fit over the weekend during the funeral of slain Officer Wenjian Liu. They also chose to boo his honor during a recent NYPD graduation ceremony.
The NYPD officers are angry after hundreds of thousands of citizens across the country took to the streets of virtually every major city in America, in protest of the non-indictment of NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the chokehold death of Eric Garner last August. Apparently believing they were somehow above reproach and apparently in need of a target to direct their anger for the general public daring to question their authority, police officers found New York Mayor De Blasio an easy scapegoat. They were angry that the mayor allowed protesters to have their say in the streets of New York City, while the officers were forced to protect them and simply look on. They were also angry that a mentally ill madman shot and killed Officers Ramos and Liu seemingly in retaliation for the death of Eric Garner, even though the man shot his girlfriend earlier in the day in a totally unrelated case.
Mayor De Blasio had absolutely nothing to do with the shooting deaths of the 2 police officers. In fact, since the madman shot his girlfriend and also shot and killed himself, the Eric Garner case and the ensuing peaceful protests also had absolutely nothing to do with the shooting deaths of the 2 police officers. However, trying to share this sort of reason with an adolescent-acting police force is like trying to explain to a 5-year-old why he can’t eat 10 boxes of chocolates and live to tell about it.
Top News Today
The NYPD needs either a time-out, to be sent to their rooms, or for someone inside that organization to grow up and realize that such childish nonsense is juvenile and unbecoming of the nation’s largest police department. Despite a warning from Police Commissioner William Bratton that police funerals are “about grieving, not grievance,” the bratty cops apparently never got the memo or just chose to blatantly ignore it. The funeral of a slain police officer is neither the time nor the place for a kiddie-like protest of back turning. The services were to honor the deceased officers and for their families to mourn, not for the cops to hijack and turn into a “look at me” moment of baby antics. Their actions are out of order, their anger is misplaced and it’s time for them to cut the crap, grow up and get back to being adults charged with protecting and serving.
The NYPD also decided to stage a work slowdown by refusing to make arrests within the city. Interestingly, the New York Post is reporting their decision to stop patrolling streets and to stop making traffic and street arrests has resulted in a record drop in crime within the city. Go figure!
The NYPD also decided to stage a work slowdown by refusing to make arrests within the city. Interestingly, the New York Post is reporting their decision to stop patrolling streets and to stop making traffic and street arrests has resulted in a record drop in crime within the city. […]
Go figure is right DJ.
The notion that if anyone dare to criticize the blatantly reprehensible and…dare I say…DEALY acts of SOME members of the NYPD who are clearly NOT fit to be policemen…the entire NYPD will simply NOT do their jobs (while getting paid no less). And worse…thousands of the NYPD act out during the funerals of not One but TWO slained officers!?! …added to the fact that currently, crime is "way down within the city" ….I'd say confirms that there is something very ROTTEN within the NYPD.
I feel there are probably more than a few cops who NEVER should have been hired in the first place.
And they should be Fired. The sooner the better.
You said it exactly right DJ. These cops are childish and acting stupid. Turning your back is the type thing a five year old does when he's mad and doesn't get his way. Total ignorant especially since mayor is not somebody who should be blamed.
Btw- not sure how I was signed in as Truthiz1 in the first post (?)
I haven't used that screen-name for quite some time. but oh well 🙂