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DNC 2024 Day 1: It’s All About Joe!

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DNC 2024 Day 1 is now in the books. The politically star-studded Democratic National Convention was quite the celebration.

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Hosted by actor Tony Goldwyn (best known for his portrayal of President Fitzgerald Grant on ABC’s Scandal), the list of speakers included NBA Coach Steve Kerr (Golden State Warriors and the 2024 US Men’s Olympic Team), Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina, NY Gov. Kathy Hochul, KY Gov. Andy Beshear, Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas, Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Hillary Clinton, and a host of others.

DNC 2024 Day 1
Hillary Clinton at DNC 2024

Rep. Crockett — who went viral for telling GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene she had a “bleach blonde, bad built, butch body” — recalled her first time meeting Kamala Harris at the vice presidential residence. She was feeling overwhelmed in her newly elected position and collapsed in tears upon arrival. However, Ms. Harris dried her tears, listened to her fears, and gave her the confidence to go forward. It was an extremely touching story.

Another emotional moment came when 3 women delivered personal stories about how the GOP/Trump abortion ban has affected them personally.

One young woman, Hadley Duvall, spoke of being repeatedly raped by her own stepfather.

She became pregnant at the age of 12 and, because of Roe v. Wade, was able to abort the pregnancy. Although Trump has called all pregnancies (no matter what) “beautiful,” she disagreed.

“What’s so beautiful about a child — having to carry her parent’s child?” she told the stunned crowd.

A true tear-jerker came when former Democratic presidential candidate and iconic civil rights leader Jesse Jackson was brought on stage in a wheelchair. The 82-year-old Jackson has Parkinson’s and was unable to speak to the adoring crowd.

DNC 2024 Day 1
Jesse Jackson at DNC 2024

However, the main event of DNC 2024 Day 1 was the introduction of First Lady Jill Biden, and President Joe Biden.

Mrs. Biden kept her remarks brief, before introducing her daughter, Ashley, who then introduced the president.

Mr. Biden received an extremely long standing ovation and wiped away tears while taking in the moment. Additionally, his speech was frequently interrupted with chants of “We Love Joe!”

In what may likely be his last Democratic Convention appearance, the president said he decided to run in 2020 after watching white supremacists march in Charlottesville and Donald Trump all but endorse them.

DNC 2024 Day 1

Mr. Biden called his selection of Kamala Harris one of the best decisions of his life. He then spoke for nearly an hour, which included multiple memorable 1 liners.

“She [Kamala Harris] has lived America’s dream, while he [Trump] has been America’s nightmare.”

“Kamala Harris has a resume. Donald Trump has a rap sheet.”

“Crime will keep coming down if we put a prosecutor in the Oval Office instead of a convicted felon.”

MAGA Republicans found out the power of women in 2022 — and Donald Trump will find out the power of a woman in 2024!”

Mr. Biden concluded his remarks with song lyrics, which included the memorable line: “America, I gave my best to you!”

DNC 2024 Day 1

He gave his full-throated endorsement of Vice President Harris, who made a surprise appearance earlier in the evening because she wanted to be in the building for Mr. Biden’s curtain call.

DNC 2024 Day 1 began at 6pm CDT and lasted nearly 6 hours, concluding around 11:30pm. In fact, President Biden didn’t even take the stage until nearly 11:30pm east coast time. Still, despite the long evening, the crowd was fired up and emotional until the end.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Great post DJ. You summed it up beautifully!

It was a deeply moving event and celebration of Us (Americans who truly love this country). The tribute to Pres. Joe Biden and his “emotional farewell speech,” was incredibly heartfelt.

The passing of the baton to Kamala was the 🍒 on top! Now it’s up to her to run with it.

Btw, I think Hillary gave one of her greatest speeches last night!

Last edited 23 days ago by Truthiz1

Last night was a big deal. Everybody is talking about all the excitement in that room. They had a good mix of people. DJ is right the part about abortions was emotional and also Biden had tears in his eyes.. It was too long though. I heard they cut some speakers and a song by James Taylor. My friends on the east coast fell asleep. They need to remember less is more.


One thing a lot of people are not talking about is they got the crowd to chant USA with the signs and everything. White Repubs think they own that but Dems stole it and Maga has to be mad today.

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