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Dominican Republic Rids Itself Of Haitians

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Top News Today –
Dominican Republic Rids Itself Of Haitians

In the Dominican Republic, racism is alive and well as the nation is preparing to force Haitians out of the country effective immediately!

Top News Today
In a surprise move, the Constitutional Court of the Dominican Republic ruled that it will strip away the citizenship of several generations of Dominicans. This means all Dominicans born after 1929 to parents who are not of Dominican ancestry (read: Haitians) will have their citizenship revoked and be shipped out. Even those with authentic Dominican Birth Certificates will be forced to leave.  The ruling will affect roughly a quarter of a million Dominican people of Haitian descent, including many who have had no personal connection with Haiti for several generations.

Dominican Republic Haitian descentToday is the deadline for undocumented immigrants in the Dominican Republic to register under a regularization plan or else face deportation. “Those who do not have documentation will have to return to their country,” Dominican Foreign Minister Andres Navarro said.

In preparation for the mass deportations, the Dominican government has opened 7 deportation centers near the Haitian border, cleverly nicknamed “welcome centers.”  The government also requested 36 large passenger buses be made available for continued use. These Dominican citizens will be forced to assimilate into a country they’re unfamiliar with and they’ve had no connection with for generations.

The US State Department has denounced the Dominican government’s plan, calling it a gross violation of human rights according to the U.N. charter.  However, a look back in history proves their actions are not all that surprising.

Dominican hatred of Haitians extends back to 1822, when Haiti invaded and conquered the Dominican Republic and promptly freed the slaves.  Nearly 100 years later in 1912, the Dominican government passed a law limiting the number of black-skinned people who could enter the country, even though their skin tones were remarkably similar.

Today, they seem intent on enforcing that law.


OK WASSUP! tracks the top news today,
including a Dominican Republic plan to rid the nation of Haitians.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. This is sad to hear. I hope there's a last minute solution some kind of way to avoid this.

    1. Co-sign with you BD. It is indeed just so sad. And I too hope there is a last minute solution.

      I'll tell you- I am just SOOOOOOO sick of that DEADLY disease.


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