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Employees covered security cameras with duct tape.  Hired goons secured areas by blocking hallways.  New parents were denied access to their newborns.

Those were the charges levied against Beyonce’ and her husband Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter after the birth of their daughter last Saturday in a New York City hospital, that allegedly caused so much commotion, health officials were forced to investigate.

Mr. and Mrs. Carter supposedly paid $1.3 million to Lenox Hill Hospital in preparation for the birth of their daughter, Blue Ivy Carter — a fee that included several exclusive hospital suites and some rather preferential treatment.  Although Blue Ivy’s arrival into the world was a joyous event for the Carter-Knowles, it wasn’t such a great experience for several other families who also happened to check into Lenox Hill Hospital on that day. Now, the hospital has been hit with numerous complaints and protests from some very disgruntled parents who are crying foul.

Several patients at the hospital that day allege they were blocked from seeing their newborns due to security guards hired by the Carter-Knowles clan, which prompted a full investigation from the New York State Health Department.

Neil and Rosalyn Coulon

Neil Coulon of Brooklyn, whose wife had just given birth to 2 premature girls, said he was repeatedly barred from the 6th floor Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit by the superstar couple’s private security, who treated Lenox Hill Hospital like an exclusive nightclub.

“Three times they stopped me from entering or exiting the NICU and it happened once on Friday — just because they wanted to use the hallway,” said the Brooklyn contractor. “They should have been more strategic about it,” he said. “These are children with problems in intensive care and you’re just going to take over the hospital like you own it? All I want is an apology.”

Lenox Hill Hospital as well as a spokesman for the Carter-Knowles family called the complaints a severe exaggeration, but that did not stop the health department from inquiring if preferential “star” treatment got in the way of serving the public health. But late last night, the final verdict came down from the Department of Health:  the charges were found to be without merit and were dismissed!

Still, if Beyonce’ and Jay-Z did in fact drop $1.3 million on the birth of their daughter, they likely would have had no problem throwing in a few extra thousand more to cover the hospital fine for giving them the privacy they needed.  No word yet on if they will issue an apology to any families who were inconvenienced.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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