Babysitting Trump Is Stressful For Staff
Donald Trump may have played the role of a president last night on national television, but rest assured it was all staged with a carefully crafted team of handlers who are charged with “Babysitting Trump.”
Yes, babysitting Trump is a thing now at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Without it, Trump would be the equivalent of an unsupervised 5-year-old child left home alone who’s capable of burning the entire house down. Thankfully, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis are prominent members of the Babysitting Trump team, who frequently work together to hold “The Donald” back from many of his big and bright ideas.

Americans owe a great deal of gratitude to the Babysitting Trump team of Tillerson and Mattis. According to Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman Sen. Bob Corker, the 2 men “never go to a national security council meeting or to the president without being in agreement in advance themselves. So they’re always on the same page.”
Often, Trump makes up a policy position in the middle of the night via Twitter, which is then printed out and delivered to Tillerson. From there, his staff is forced to make sense of Trump’s tweets, untangle the frequent contradictions, then somehow turn the end result into some sort of legitimate policy.
“This president’s different, and so everybody had to understand that this is going to be different,” Tillerson recently told the Associated Press. He added that foreign leaders have been forced to adjust to Trump’s (bizarre) governing style by now.
“Now that we’re a year into it, I think most of them have become rather accustomed to it,” he said.
With Trump’s very recent background as a reality television star, “The Donald” is guilty of having a flair for the dramatic. Thankfully, the Babysitting Trump team has been omnipresent to deal with the fall out when Trump’s grandiose vision (more often than not) clashes with reality.
According to the Associated Press, Mattis and Tillerson were forced to step in and steer Trump back to actuality and the following moderate positions:
- Remove Iraq from Trump’s travel ban, since many Iraqis are employed by the US military.
- Remain engaged in Afghanistan and even increasing troop levels despite Trump’s promise to end the conflict.
- Keep the US embassy in Israel in Tel Aviv, and not move it to Jerusalem.
- Keep the Iran nuclear deal despite Trump’s repeated promises to rip it up.
- Remain in alliance with NATO, despite Trump’s demands for more spending and back payments from allies.
- Continue diplomatic efforts with North Korea, despite Trump directly undercutting Tillerson by calling it a “waste of time.”
Reportedly, Tillerson and Mattis are credited with holding Trump back from initiating a “bloody nose” strike on North Korea. We can all be thankful that responsible adult supervision was inside the inner workings of The White House to save the day more times than we may ever know.
Hahaha. First let me laugh out loud for real at the pics you chose. This is hilarious DJ. Now thank God for Tillerson and Mathis for being around to make sure this fool doesn’t blow up the world. Who knows what would happen if these baby sitters were not there to watch him.
TAC Reader
I’m afraid the poor bastard has no idea how thoroughly he’s been had by his staff and courtiers. The blatant betrayals of his voters and campaign promises are going to come back to haunt all of them this fall. He’s not “finished”, but he’s very badly damaged. […]
I certainly appreciate the fact that, thus far, *little* Donnie’s “babysitters” have been able to keep him away from the *hot stove* (starting a war with North Korea). But on the whole, I have to agree with TAC reader. President “Clueless” has no idea he’s being played 3-ways from Sunday “by his staff and courtiers”…..smh.