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Donald Trump Has Got To Go!

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Donald Trump must go

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Donald Trump Has Got To Go!

Donald Trump was the darling of the Republican Party while he was spewing vitriol against President Obama. However, now that his venom has turned on his own party members, Republicans are unified in saying: Donald Trump has got to go!

Donald Trump John McCainThe Republican Party created a monster when it unleashed Donald Trump and allowed his 3 ring circus act to prosper. Yes, it was all fun and games for as long has he was using his loud mouth, arrogant antics against President Obama while stirring up the old “He was born in Kenya” debate. But now, Trump is cutting into the base and it’s no longer funny.

Donald Trump insulted the large and very necessary voting block of Hispanics by calling them criminals and rapists, just when Republicans were seeking ways to attract their vote. Not gonna happen now! Then, Donald Trump insulted veterans and military families by taking a dig at former POW and current GOP Sen. John McCain.  This is not the making of a President of the United States.

“John McCain is not a war hero,” Trump blatantly said at a televised political event in Iowa. “He’s a war hero cause he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured,” Trump added.  Ouch!

The “Dr. Frankenstein” Republicans created the monster known as Donald Trump. Now that he’s grown out of control, they’re pulling their hair out to figure out how to defeat him — and fast!

Fox News contributor Jehmu Greene said “The GOP has supported Trump’s ‘douchebaggery’ for years,” adding “What does it take for [Republicans] to take the party back from the crazies that have had control of it for about 7 years now?” Interestingly, a Republican hack appearing on the same Fox program attempted to deflect Trump’s words, by discussing Democratic candidate Martin O’Malley’s “All lives matter” statement. The hack was quickly shut down, proving even Fox News has no more patience for “The Donald.”

In an appearance on CNN, Sen. Lindsey Graham did not mince his words by boldly stating Donald Trump “is a jackass!” Graham added “He’s bringing his name down, he’s not helping the process, and he shouldn’t be Commander-In-Chief.”

In an editorial published on Monday night, the Des Moines Register called for Donald Trump to drop out of the presidential race immediately.

“People who run for public office typically perform a great public service, regardless of whether they win on Election Day,” the editorial board wrote. “That’s particularly true of presidential candidates, most of whom must devote two years of their lives to hard-fought campaigns that involve staggering personal and financial sacrifices, all in an effort to serve their country. And then there’s Trump.”

The editors continued: “Being electable is not the same as being qualified, and Trump has proven himself not only unfit to hold office, but unfit to stand on the same stage as his Republican opponents.”

Donald Trump Rick Perry

The Republican Party has a huge problem on their hands. They can’t run Donald Trump out of the political process just because he’s not playing good soldier and saying what the party wants him to say. However, even IF they could make him disappear, Trump has already threatened to simply run as an Independent candidate. This means all the wacko Republicans and Tea Party ignoramuses who have made Donald Trump #1 in the GOP ratings poll, would go with him, leaving the GOP high and dry and pulling at straws. Trump won’t be silenced, Trump won’t go away and it’s a Democratic Party dream scenario.

Donald Trump is a biological virus the Republican Party created to mock Democrats and President Obama. Now that the virus has started to infect the party that created him, Republicans are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Oh well, Republicans…as the old saying goes: “When you play with fire, you get burned!”

OK WASSUP! covers political news. Today’s article:
GOP: Donald Trump Has Got To Go!

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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HAH. Thanks DJ. I still can't quite believe what I'm seeing…Lol. Trump is killing them. And you're right….a unified voice is now calling for him to drop out of the race. However, it should also be noted that that unified voice is made up of the GOP establishment (GOPe), other Repub candidates and the media quite frankly. And as you correctly point out, the GOPe had NO problem embracing Trump and his loud and odious antics against Our President or his offensive words against Mexicans. If the polls are any true indication of where rank and file Repub voters stand on this….many, if not most, of them still support Trump and want him to keep up the fight against the GOPe (which btw, had no problem with John Kerry being "swift-boated" in 2004…OR with the conservative smearing of Max Cleland AND Tammy Duckworth (both wounded war heroes). In short- the… Read more »


Donald Trump is a biological virus the Republican Party created to mock Democrats and President Obama. Now that the virus has started to infect the party that created him.. [….] DJ, truer words have never been spoken. Associated Press: "I love to see them jump all over him 'cause they're just giving him a clear road. I love it!" said Trump supporter Frank Candelieri, 89, from Merrimack, N.H., of the backlash his candidate faced in recent days. Candelieri, a World War II vet who said he won a Purple Heart fighting in the Battle of the Bulge, said he wasn't offended by Trump's comments. "I think it's going to improve his viability to be honest with you," argued Lou Gargiulo, one of Trump's county chairmen in New Hampshire. "The more Mr. Trump is being beaten on by people, obviously the better his polling numbers are." Republican state Rep. Steve Stepanek,… Read more »

Mr. BD

I just read this on Yahoo:
"Most of the media seems perplexed, baffled, even annoyed that Trump has garnered so much attention with no sign of wearing out his welcome with the public. Why is Trump confounding to reporters, editors, and cable-news outlets? Because he does not back down. Because he does not apologize."

The more the media and Repubs keep stomping on Trump for not acting right, the stronger he gets with his followers. Trump is not going away and just like DJ said he's a monster the Repubs created and now can't control. I love watching the whole house come crumbling down.
My recent post Donald Trump Has Got To Go!


On the Daily Show last night John Stewart said Donald Trump could be the countries first openly asshole president. LOL


"Rush Limbaugh Rallies Listeners to Donald Trump’s Defense"

“The American people haven’t seen something like this in a long time,” the radio host said, speaking to the unique nature of the emerging 2016 Republican presidential contest, in which harnessing anger and money may be crucial ingredients for success. “They have not seen an embattled public figure stand up for himself, double down and tell everybody to go to hell.”

“Trump can survive this, Trump is surviving this.." “This is a great, great teachable moment here, this whole thing with Trump and McCain.” [….]

H/T: Hotair

…atta boy Rush!…by jiminy, you keep up the good work…Lol

Random White Guy

Donald Trump is a douche and deserves everything he's getting. Looks like Republicans regret ever taking him on.


So while campaigning in S.C. this afternoon (Lindsey Graham's home state), Trump took a moment to pay Lindsey back for calling him a "jackass" last night on CNN: "Trump gives out Lindsey Graham’s cell phone number on live TV" “(Lindsey) doesn’t seem like a very bright guy. He actually probably seems to me not as bright as Rick Perry. I think Rick Perry probably is smarter than Lindsey Graham,” Trump added, riffing on prior insults he had lobbed at the former Texas governor. Then Trump transitioned to an embarrassing anecdote, which the billionaire real estate developer said was from a few years ago, in which Graham called Trump “begging” him for a good reference with Trump’s pals on the Fox News morning program “Fox & Friends.” Trump said that he promised Graham he would put out a good word, and the South Carolina Republican then gave him his phone number… Read more »

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