Donald Trump: How Much Do We Know?
How much do we know about Donald Trump?
Politics –
Donald Trump:
How Much Do We Know?
Donald J. Trump is the Republican nomination for President of the United States. However, exactly how much do we really know about “The Donald?” No, not the accolades House Speaker Paul Ryan and others were forced into saying about him at last month’s convention, but the REAL stuff. Who is this man now inches away from being in control of the nuclear codes?
For much of America — particularly those of us who don’t dare watch Fox News or actually believe in the value of Trump University — Donald Trump is the ultimate con man. He has used a shoddy snake-oil salesmanship to promise America the world, yet he’s never once explained how he might possibly deliver on his promises.
Let’s remember, the new Republican presidential nominee once refused to distance himself from the Ku Klux Klan and former Grand Dragon David Duke. He publicly made fun of a handicapped journalist. He considered a federal judge unqualified to handle his Trump University case because he’s of Mexican descent. He incited riots by encouraging supporters to “knock the crap” out of anyone at a rally who didn’t agree with him. Â He’s also proven himself to be an irresistible magnet to white supremacists and separatists.
Here are 40 additional facts about THE REAL Donald Trump and what he has planned for America:
1. Build a wall along the southern U.S. border to keep Mexicans out. Â According to Trump, the “artistically beautiful” wall will be constructed out of hardened concrete, rebar and steel, will be one foot taller than the Great Wall of China, and will be “the greatest wall that you’ve ever seen” — so great that the nation will likely one day name it “The Trump Wall.”
2. Make Mexico pay for “The Trump Wall.” If Mexico refuses, Trump will cut foreign aid, institute tariffs, cancel visas for Mexican business leaders and diplomats, and increase fees for visas, border-crossing cards and port use.
3. Ban Muslims from entering the United States “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” Trump would allow exceptions for certain Muslims who have “proven” themselves.
4. Institute heavy surveillance against mosques in the United States and close others.
5. Create a database of Syrian refugees and Muslims in the United States.
6. Frequently use the term “radical Islamic terrorism.”
7. Bar Syrian refugees from entering the country and kick out those who are already here.
8. “Bomb the s— out of ISIS” and oil fields controlled by the Islamic State, then seize the oil and give the profits to military veterans wounded while fighting.
9. Target and kill the relatives of terrorists.
10. Shut down parts of the Internet so that Islamic State terrorists cannot use it to recruit Americans.
11. Reinstitute waterboarding, which the Obama administration considers torture. In fact, Trump is willing to use interrogation techniques that go even further than waterboarding. Even if such tactics don’t work, “they deserve it anyway, for what they’re doing.”
12. End birthright citizenship.
13. Terminate President Obama’s executive orders related to immigration, including getting rid of “sanctuary cities.”
14. Deport the almost 11 million immigrants illegally living in the United States, but continue to allow lowly paid foreign workers to come to the United States on temporary works visas, since they are the only ones who want to pick grapes or paint our kitchens on the cheap.
15. “If I become president, we’re all going to be saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again.”
16. Â Eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency.
17. Get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something “terrific” that is “so much better, so much better, so much better.”
18. Save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security without cutting benefits or explaining how.
19. Defund Planned Parenthood.
20. Pick Supreme Court justices who are “really great legal scholars.”
21. Strengthen the military so that it’s “so big and so strong and so great” that “nobody’s going to mess with us.”
22. Leave troops in Afghanistan because it’s such “a mess.”
23. Fire “the corrupt and incompetent” leaders of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
24. Be unpredictable. “No one is going to touch us, because I’m so unpredictable.”
25. Find an “out” clause in the Iran deal and then “totally” renegotiate the whole thing.
26. Refuse to call Iran’s leader by his preferred title. “I guarantee you I will be never calling him the Supreme Leader… I’ll say, ‘Hey baby, how ya doing?’ I will never call him the Supreme Leader.”
27. Find great generals — like the next Gen. Patton or Gen. MacArthur — who are rough and foul-mouthed, then not allow them to go onto television news shows to explain their military strategy. “I don’t want my generals being interviewed, I want my generals kicking ass.”
28. Drop that “dirty, rotten traitor” Bowe Bergdahl out of an airplane into desolate Afghanistan without a parachute.
29. Get rid of gun-free zones at military bases and in schools on his first day in office.
30. Find ways to arm more of the “good guys” like him who can take out the “sickos.” Get rid of bans on certain types of guns and magazines so that “good, honest people” can own the guns of their choice (No word on if he’s changed his stance after police were targeted and killed with the very type of military-grade assault rifles he thinks anyone should be able to own).
31. Allow concealed-carry permits to be recognized in all 50 states. Â According to Trump, even if a state does not allow citizens to carry guns wherever they wish, anyone with a permit from another state could roam the streets of New York or anywhere in the U.S. with a rifle.
32. Bring back jobs from China — and Mexico, Japan and everywhere else.
33. “I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.,” Trump said, adding that cities like Reno, Nev., will “be a big fat beautiful beneficiary” of these new jobs.
34. Replace “free trade” with “fair trade.” Gather together the “smartest negotiators in the world,” assign them each a country and renegotiate all foreign trade deals.
35. Put billionaire hedge fund manager Carl Icahn in charge of trade negotiations with China and Japan, then pick an ambassador to Japan who is “a killer,” unlike current ambassador Caroline Kennedy.
36. Tell Ford Motor Co.’s president that unless he cancels plans to build a massive plant in Mexico, the company will face a 35% tax on cars imported back into the United States.
37. Force Nabisco to once again make Oreos in the United States, then bully Apple into making its “damn computers” and other products here.
38. Ensure that Americans can still afford to golf.
39. Say things that are politically incorrect, because the country is “too nice” and does not have time to waste with political correctness.
40. Start winning again. “We’re going to win so much — win after win after win — that you’re going to be begging me: ‘Please, Mr. President, let us lose once or twice. We can’t stand it anymore.’ Â And I’m going to say: ‘No way. We’re going to keep winning. We’re never going to lose. We’re never, ever going to lose.”
Donald Trump has made a ton of lofty promises with little explanation of how he could possibly accomplish such goals. However, Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort did explain that Trump himself won’t be involved in any of the real work. He’d rather deflect the responsibility of actually running the country to his vice-presidential pick, Mike Pence.
“He needs an experienced person to do the part of the job he doesn’t want to do. He sees himself more as the chairman of the board, than even the CEO, let alone the COO,” Manafort said.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is who he is. Â This is the man who could be your next President of the United States. Â This is Donald J. Trump.
Donald Trump has made a ton of lofty promises with little explanation of how he could possibly accomplish such goals.[…]
There you go again DJ, being much too kind. But that's who you are. Don't change.
The truth is, Trump has made a ton of promises with little-to-NO explanation of how he could possibly accomplish such goals. I highly doubt he's even capable of giving any real thought to serious issues. He just shoots off his mouth all the time, and lies with reckless abandon.
Btw- His supporters know. he's full of it. They just don't give a d*mn. They're determined to put his dangerous azz in the White House anyway (which is why I find them to be even more frightening than he is). And we must be doubly determined to keep him Out.
Thanks for the list DJ.
On a related note………………….:
"Donald Trump's Ghostwriter Tells All "
“The Art of the Deal” made America see Trump as a charmer with an unfailing knack for business. Tony Schwartz helped create that myth—and regrets it.
Mr. Schwartz, a former magazine writer who said he worked on the book because he needed the money, told the writer Jane Mayer that he painted Mr. Trump in the most positive light that he could, thinking that a sympathetic character would be better for the book’s sales than a story about a cruel tycoon. If he could do it over again, however, Mr. Schwartz said the book would be titled “The Sociopath.”
“I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is,” Mr. Schwartz said. “I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes, there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.”
“He’s a living black hole!” Mr. Schwartz said he used to tell his wife after long days with Mr. Trump. He described Mr. Trump as a painful interview subject who could not handle questions that required any depth to answer and who had little recollection of his youth. When pressed, Mr. Schwartz said, Mr. Trump would grow fidgety, angry and sometimes quit despite the fact that they were ostensibly working together on the book. He had no attention span, Mr. Schwartz said. […]
And the Newsweek story…………
"Donald Trump's Many Business Failures Explained"
[Trump’s big line is he should be president because he is a successful businessman. After reading this devastating Newsweek story, no Trump apologist can ever say that again. The story goes through the bankruptcies of course, but there are defaults, people ripped off, and lie upon lie upon lie upon lie. .] DailyKos
Thanks for this list DJ. It is a good reminder to anybody thinking of voting for this fool.
I read a report yesterday of some people saying that Trump might be crazy. Not crazy like he should be in a mental hospital but crazy like he sees the world and reality real different from everybody else. He got handed the family business and never had to work for anything, so it has been hidden. But they said he has a short attention span and can't focus on details too long without wandering off. It sounded interesting because he does seem like there is some sort of mental block there. Maybe add that to the list.
BD, I have no doubt that Trump has Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and probably ADHD also.
He's definitely a pathological liar. He can't help himself. He opens his mouth and out comes all kind of crap that has absolutely NO basis in reality and can easily be refuted in a nano-second. And yet he just keeps on doing it. See: the latest lie:
"U.S. Officials Literally Laughing at Donald Trump’s ‘Top Secret’ Iran Video Claim"
He's probably been affected by these issues and more since childhood.
NPD: a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you're not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve. Others may not enjoy being around you, and you may find your relationships unfulfilling.
Source: Mayo Clinic
"Ex-CIA leader: Trump an 'unwitting agent' of Russia"
A former CIA acting director endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton for president on Friday, calling her Republican rival Donald Trump unqualified and a threat to national security.
In a New York Times op-ed, Michael Morell, who worked under Presidents George W. Bush and Obama, called Trump an "unwitting agent" of Russia."
Morell said he was not registered with either political party, and that he has voted for both Republicans and Democrats. He said he was ending his silence over his political preferences because he viewed Trump as a threat to national security.
"Mr. [Vladimir]Putin played upon Mr. Trump’s vulnerabilities by complimenting him. He responded just as Mr. Putin had calculated," Morell wrote.
He then criticized Trump for praising Putin.
"Mr. Putin is a great leader, Mr. Trump says, ignoring that he has killed and jailed journalists and political opponents, has invaded two of his neighbors and is driving his economy to ruin," Morell wrote.
"Mr. Trump has also taken policy positions consistent with Russian, not American, interests — endorsing Russian espionage against the United States, supporting Russia’s annexation of Crimea and giving a green light to a possible Russian invasion of the Baltic States.
"In the intelligence business, we would say that Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation."
Morell went on to criticize the business mogul's previous call to bar Muslims from entering the country, saying it contradicts the foundational values of the U.S. and plays into the hands of the jihadist narrative.
"In fact, many Muslim Americans play critical roles in protecting our country, including the man, whom I cannot identify, who ran the C.I.A.’s Counterterrorism Center for nearly a decade and who I believe is most responsible for keeping America safe since the Sept. 11 attacks," he wrote.
"My training as an intelligence officer taught me to call it as I see it. This is what I did for the C.I.A. This is what I am doing now. Our nation will be much safer with Hillary Clinton as president."
Morell said Clinton would deliver on the most important duty of a president — "keeping our nation safe" — and that she found her to be "prepared, detail-oriented and thoughtful" when working with her in the past.
Trump has unnerved a number of foreign policy experts with his positions, leading some Republicans, including Brent Scowcroft, who served as national security adviser to former President George H.W. Bush, to say they will back Clinton. […]
H/T: The Hill