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Donald Trump Rhetoric + Racism = DANGER!

- Trump is counting on the worst of America to help him win the November election

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With only 3 weeks to go until the 2024 presidential election, the Donald Trump rhetoric has become deeper, darker, and further out of control.

Politics :
Long ago, producers of movies, television, and reality shows created a tried and true, sure-fire method to hook viewers onto their entertainment products. The first step was to create a villain, then an “Us vs. Them” mentality to entice viewers to pick a side and feel part of the action in defeating the “bad guy.”

Donald Trump Rhetoric

Trump has mastered this method to a “T” (pun intended) and is dangerously using it in his latest bid for the presidency. More specifically, he has labeled immigrants as the “villains” and President Biden and Vice President Harris as the “bad guys.” For Trump, “they” all need to be defeated by “Us” (Trump and his MAGA sycophants) in order to save America from imminent collapse and despair. Otherwise (in his own words), “We won’t have a country left.”

Over the weekend, this Donald Trump rhetoric was on full display during a campaign rally in Aurora, Colorado, where Trump vowed to “rescue” the Denver suburb from an alleged “gang of immigrant rapists, bloodthirsty criminals, and the most violent people on earth,” who he warned are responsible for ruining the fabric of the country and its culture.

According to POLITICO, Trump freely and unabashedly wielded his xenophobia and racism in Aurora and used his “win-by-any-means-necessary” trick to convince voters that migrants and minorities are genetically predisposed to commit crimes. However, he vowed that if voters returned him to the Oval Office, he would save America and save the day from “them” — the villainous immigrant enemy.

Donald Trump Rhetoric

No longer is the Donald Trump rhetoric about a need to build a wall to keep the enemy out. Instead, his fear-mongering has shifted to convincing voters that ravenous gangs of murderous immigrants are already here and only he and he alone can stop them from killing everyone and taking over the nation.

“Kamala [Harris] has imported an army of illegal alien gang members and migrant criminals from the dungeons of the third world … from prisons and jails and insane asylums and mental institutions, and she has had them resettled beautifully into your community to prey upon innocent American citizens,” Trump told his MAGA sycophants.

Donald Trump Rhetoric

The Colorado claim is the sequel to the Ohio warning that Haitian immigrants are “eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats.” Never mind that officials in both states have debunked his words as flat-out fabrications. For those who drink the Kool-Aid of TrumpWorld and ignore real news outlets while consuming deadly doses of Fox News and other right-wing propaganda outlets, his words are a call to arms to join his team so that he can rightfully save the day.

Sadly, the Donald Trump rhetoric has also extended beyond xenophobia and racism.

On Monday, the Federal Emergency Management Agency was forced to halt emergency hurricane relief efforts in North Carolina after Trump’s words prompted threats of violence against FEMA employees and emergency volunteers.

Sheriff Phil Howell

Trump has been telling his rally-goers that the Kamala Harris-led federal government is intentionally withholding aid to Republican disaster victims. Additionally, far-right extremist groups have latched onto that lie and warned that officials intend to bulldoze affected communities and seize the land from residents.   

His false claims have prompted residents in dire need of aid to refuse assistance out of fear that it’s a trick from the feds. His words have also served as a call to arms for militia groups and other bad actors to attempt violence against workers who are simply trying to help those in need.

“Recently in the mountain region, there have been threats made against them,” Ashe County Sheriff Phil Howell said of the threats against FEMA employees. “This has not happened in Ashe County or the surrounding counties,” Howell added. “Out of an abundance of caution, they have paused their process as they are assessing the threats.”

This comes after FEMA workers were forced to halt going door to door to offer assistance in Rutherford County due to reports that National Guard troops saw “armed militia” threatening the workers on Saturday.

Donald Trump Rhetoric

The Donald Trump rhetoric has reached a new low and has become beyond dangerous. His words and deeds prove that he is willing to do anything and everything to win the election and keep himself out of jail.

Trump has turned immigrants into a make-believe “boogeyman,” even going so far as to tell Americans they’ll “cut your throat” in the middle of the night in your own home.

DO. NOT. BE. FOOLED!!!! Say NO to Trump’s racist and xenophobic scare tactics.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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AP: Aurora entered the spotlight in August when a video circulated showing armed men walking through an apartment building housing Venezuelan migrants. Trump has claimed extensively that Venezuelan gangs are taking over buildings, even though authorities say that was a single block of the suburb near Denver, and the area is again safe. Ignoring those denials from local authorities, Trump painted a picture of apartment complexes overrun by “barbaric thugs” and streets unsafe to travel, blaming President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, Trump’s Democratic rival. “They’re ruining your state,” Trump said of the Democrats in the White House. “No person who has inflicted the violence and terror that Kamala Harris has inflicted on this community can ever be allowed to become the president of the United States,” Trump added. Trump often used dehumanizing language, referring to his political rivals as “scum” and to migrants as “ animals ”… Read more »


“Trump is counting on the worst of America to help him win the November election.”

Bingo!!! You are absolutely right DJ.

Nov.5th will tell the story!

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