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Donation Pages Taken Down For Killer SC Cop

Spread The Love

April 16, 2015

current events police brutality

Someone felt so sorry for Officer Michael Slager after he was charged with murdering Walter Lamar Scott in North Charleston, SC last week, that they started a GoFundMe and Indiegogo page to raise support money for the killer cop.  Realizing the sensitivity of the issue, both sites have now removed the fundraising pages.

Current Events
The move to shut down Slager’s page was almost unprecedented for Indiegogo, since their usual policy clearly states: “Indiegogo allows anyone, anywhere to fund ideas that matter to them and just like other open platforms — such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter — we don’t judge the content of campaigns as long as they are in compliance with our Terms of Use.”

Indiegogo said in a statement it took down the page because “our Trust & Safety team regularly conducts verifications and checks and this campaign did not meet their standards.”  However, the truth is public sentiment and a pending boycott of the funding site actually forced their hand.  By last Friday, Slager’s campaign had raised a little more than $1,300 of its projected $5,000 goal.

Only 2 days prior to Indiegogo’s actions, GoFundMe completely rejected a Slager donation page.

“After review by our team, the campaign set up for Officer Slager was removed from GoFundMe due to a violation of our Terms and Conditions,” GoFundMe spokeswoman Kelsea Little said in an email.

Current Events
Interestingly, this isn’t the first time a crowdfunding campaign has been created in defense of a white police officer involved in the fatal shooting of a black man.  GoFundMe previously removed a similar page supporting Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson after the shooting death of Michael Brown in August. Wilson’s campaign raised nearly $235,000 before it was taken down due to legal concerns and amid a series of violent protests nationwide.

With nowhere else to turn, the anonymous supporters of Officer Slager have since set up a Twitter and Facebook page in his honor.

current events police brutality

OK WASSUP! covers current events, 
including the shut down of Indiegogo and GoFundMe pages 
in support of SC cop Michael Slager for killing a black man.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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