Comments on: DOWNGRADE NOT END OF THE WORLD News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 09 Aug 2011 16:47:51 +0000 I agree with you DJ…it's NOT the end of the world.I also agree that in recent years the S&Ps reputation has taken a major hit…and deservedly so for failing to do its job right up to the eve of the economic collapse in 2008. But I'm going to give the S&P a little credit here for actually doing their job THIS time. One can certainly argue Why Now is the S&P concerned about its credibility??? when it had NO problem approving darn near every piece of garbage coming down the pike during 8 yrs of G.Dubya's Presidency. Could it be political? Yes. Possibly.Could the S&P be doing Wall Street's bidding as Wall Street appears to have turned on the President? Yep. That's possible too.But none of those possibilites changes the fact that WE (America) are in BIG trouble. The President recently allowed himself to be played AGAIN by the Repubs. He did NOT stand his ground and they ran him over. Perhaps NOW he undertands they (the Repubs and their corporate Masters) have declared WAR on him AND his Presidency(?) They want to destroy him. Peroid.    And IF…IF this downgrade serves as a WAKE-UP! call to the President and prompts him to FINALLY demonstrate BOLD and decisive Leadership then I, for one, will be one happy American woman!  
