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For the first time in history, the United States has been stripped of its perfect triple AAA rating.

On Friday, Standard and Poors downgraded the U.S. credit rating from AAA to AA+.  According to S+P, the divisive tone in Washington, combined with the political game lawmakers willingly played in bringing the U.S. to the brink of default during the recent debt ceiling debate, was proof enough that our credit worthiness was volatile and imperfect.  Now Democrats and Republicans are tripping over each other to point the political finger of blame.

Democrats say conservative House Republicans, specifically Tea Party members, were the main force behind threats of a government default since they opposed higher taxes on wealthy American’s.  Republicans say Mr. Obama’s spending policies on health care, the stimulus and other items have increased the debt, slowing growth and job creation. Who’s right?

Let’s face it folks, Washington is broken. And although Mr. Obama was elected on the premise that he could fix it and create a sense of unity, the traditional political games are still being played.  Some political analysts believe the Republican playbook is to keep economic growth at a snail’s pace for their own political gain.  They say for President Obama to seek reelection during a possible double-dip recession, poor job numbers and now a credit downgrade, could be the perfect storm for Republicans to present the case that it’s time for a new leader.

Would Republicans intentionally cause chaos, even at the expense of the American people, for their own political purposes? Perhaps.  But they’re already lining up political talking points to place full blame for the credit downgrade directly in the lap of the President. “We can’t find him,” former Minnesota governor and GOP presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty said on Fox News Sunday. “Where is his specific public plan on Social Security reform? Where is his specific public plan on Medicare reform and Medicaid reform?   He has an obligation and a responsibility to lead, and you can’t find him.”  GOP presidential candidate and current Rep. Michele Bachmann also weighed in, calling for Mr. Obama to fire Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in light of the credit downgrade.

But Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod sees things differently. Using the term “Tea Party downgrade” Axelrod used a Sunday morning interview to drive home the point that the president has rescued the economy from a near-Depression that began under former president George W. Bush. He says that although there are a number of things that could help the economy, without cooperation from congressional Republicans (including those Tea Party members), we will forever remain at a political stalemate.



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. I'm kinda angry about this. Its all that arguing in Washington that led to this downgrade. The whole world is watching the in fighting and political games. If they can't get back to finding compromise in Washington we're in a lotta trouble.

  2. Obama has no one to blame but himself for this awful crisis. He has been a poor president, although he promised everyone he would make a difference in Washington. Well who knew this was the difference he was referring to? I am so looking forward to Nov. 2012.

  3. <span><span>Has Pres. Obama FAILED to live up to the Leadership role he sought in 2008? YES.  </span></span><span><span></span></span> <span><span>Should he have done a better job of handling the debt crisis? You're darn skippy. </span>  </span><span></span> <span>But criticism of Obama from the "Right" is laughable. In fact, IMO, everybody who supported G. Dubya Bush and Cheney…and kept SILENT for darn near 8 YEARS while those 2 poor excuses for men ran this country right into the ground ON MULTIPLE FRONTS…should probably lose their voting rights. </span><span></span> <span>But beyond Bush and Cheney and Obama….</span><span></span><span>It's time for </span><span>Americans to face The TRUTH. WE The People failed ourselves. WE've let them (Both Parties) PLAY Us time and time again. </span><span></span> <span>The </span><span><span><span>colossal MAN-MADE mess WE now face..the ECONOMY being the primary problem…has been at least 30 YRS in the making. Our representatives SOLD their souls and Our governement to the Highest bidder </span></span>and NO amount of LYING, DENYING and BSing will cut it anymore.    BOTH parties are now under the control of an extensive Criminal Enterprise..aka..Wall Street AND the Military Industrial Complex. We now have a government dictated by a well-oiled Corporate-Controlled political machinery that serves ONLY the will of the Rich, Super-rich and Powerful. </span><span></span> <span>Unbridled GREED, Corruption, ideology and demagoguing has led this nation into the wilderness. Every </span><span>major U.S. sector is FAILING (housing, the economy, EDUCATION, healthcare, JOBS..etc). But the SIGNS have been there FOR YEARS. </span><span></span> <span>I truly believe that things will only get worse UNTIL Americans take to the streets, head to D.C. throw everybody's azz out and DEMAND real Change. <span>In the meantime…</span><span>We. Are. Screwed.</span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>Btw: I ain't fooled by 2012 Presidential prospects. </span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>Obama has fallen well short of the "Change" he promised. </span></span><span><span>But on his worse day he's BETTER than ANY of those sorry-azz jokers the GOP has put up and I'm NOT pulling any more punches when it comes to the GOP.</span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span>That Party is, IMO, the most dangerous THREAT to the future of this country. </span></span>

  4. Like I said: BOTH parties have "SOLD their souls and Our governement to the Highest bidder and NO amount of LYING, DENYING and BSing will cut it anymore."      "Mujahideen-e Khalq: Former U.S. Officials Make Millions Advocating For Terrorist Organization" Read Full story & see pics:…The young, the poor, the disabled, and middle-class workig Americans had better understand THIS:It really is Us against Them (the rich, Super-rich and Powerful). They don't give a FIG about Us!

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