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Dr. Conrad Murray Is Free!

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Top News Today – 
Dr. Conrad Murray Freed From Jail
Dr. Conrad Murray is a FREE MAN!

Top News Today
The man many hold responsible for the death of Michael Jackson was released from prison early this morning after serving 2 years in prison.  His release was condemned by the Jackson Family, who wanted the former physician to the King of Pop to rot in jail.

Murray was locked up in November of 2011 after being convicted of manslaughter.  Although his original sentence was for 4 years, he received an early release after 2 years due to good behavior..

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Top News Today
Dr. Murray has made it known that he will immediately seek to recover his medial license to practice in Nevada once again and earn a living (good luck with that).  He will also hire a publicist to attempt to fix his extremely tarnished image (good luck with that too).

Should Dr. Murray have been released early?  TAKE OUR POLL:

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OK WASSUP! follows the top news today, 
including the early release of Michael Jackson’s former physician, 
Dr. Conrad Murray, from prison.
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Well THIS was certainly a suprise for me. I read about it early this morning and was like…WHAT?!

Disclosure: I disagreed with him being charged with, and convicted of, manslaughter in the first place. But I agree with him losing his license to practice medicine.

Michael Jackson killed himself with the help of a whole lot of people over the year …and especially doctors. Murray was simply the last physician standing who assisted MJ on his suicide journey and Murray got caught holding the *gun* so to speak.

He was charged and convicted. The fact that he's out of prison after serving such a short time, IMO, serves as another sad example of the mockery that is called our "American Criminal Justice System."

Mr. BD

You're right Truth MJ killed himself. But Dr. Murry put the final poison in his body. I think if he got a four year jail sentence he should stay in there four years!


He was negligent but he didn't purposely set out to kill him. I don't think he should ever get to practice medicine anymore though.


I will always wonder if he killed MJ on purpose but what I do know is that he is not fit to practice medicine. You can't use medicine in an unethical way and continue to practice like nothing happened. I hope he can never get his license and he needs to be deported back to where he is from.

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