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Dr Fauci Receives MAGA Death Threats

- a security detail will now protect the renowned doc from Trump supporters.

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Dr Fauci (Dr. Anthony Fauci), best known for his White House COVID-19 press conferences, has been given a 24-hour security detail after receiving death threats from Donald Trump’s MAGA supporters.

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Known as the nation’s preeminent infectious disease specialist, Dr Fauci has become the source of fact and reason and the face of the nation’s coronavirus response.  Now, he’s also the target of several Trump supporters.

Dr Fauci

Donald Trump has a penchant for creating his own reality that almost always goes against actual reality.  This was never more evident than when some of the best scientific minds in the world warned Trump of the coming COVID-19 pandemic, but he instead chose to ignore it and called it a Democratic “hoax” created to destroy his reelection campaign.  Now, several of Trump’s most zealous far-right fanatics have targeted Dr Fauci online, arguing that the 79-year-old immunologist has disagreed too much with ‘The Donald’ during press conferences.  To them, Donald Trump’s word is golden and they don’t want Fauci or anyone making him look bad by correcting his various theories and hunches.

Interestingly, some have even begun to spread conspiracy theories about Dr. Fauci’s role, claiming he is a member of the deep state and is working with others to bring Trump down.

According to Politico, the online threats began when Dr Fauci was caught on camera fighting back a snicker then holding his head in his hand while Donald Trump rambled on with misinformation that was dangerously false. HHS Secretary Alex Azar noticed the chatter and grew increasingly concerned, requesting that the department conduct a threat assessment. The decision was then conveyed to the Justice Department, which immediately approved a security detail for the illustrious doctor.

Dr Fauci

How sick can these MAGA supporters be to not only place Trump’s flippant opinions and frequently false claims above that of a superior health professional who has advised 5 presidents, but to also threaten his life for daring to correct Trump’s blunders by forcing him to tell the American people the truth during these trying times?

SIGH.  These are indeed trying times we are living in…

OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Dr Fauci receives death threats for correcting Trump.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. How sick can these MAGA supporters be to not only place Trump’s flippant opinions and frequently false claims above that of a superior health professional who has advised 5 presidents, but to also threaten his life for daring to correct Trump’s blunders by forcing him to tell the American people the truth during these trying times? […] – DJ

    In short, they are about as sick as they come. It is definitely necessary that Dr. Fauci is provided security protection.

  2. Gonna borrow a little from my response to the ‘Faux News’ post yesterday………….

    No doubt in my mind that most Trumpies know that Trump is a serial liar. They. Don’t. Care. They are mostly an unintelligent, fearful and hateful lot who couldn’t care less about the Truth. They support Him because he’s mostly a reflection of THEM (but w/a few more $$ in his pockets). He gives them what they want – a steady diet of Red-meat (Scapegoating, Lies. More lies, FAKE-alpha BS and endless conspiracy theories).

    This is the same loathsome group who peddled the “birther” nonsense against Pres. Obama AND THEN elected Trump to the presidency with a blatant disregard for the obvious THREAT he would pose to the country thru his absolute Unfitness.

    The last thing that dangerous, Crazy-azz and ignorant bunch is interested in is Truth.

  3. (sidenote) I wonder how many of Trump’s “MAGA” supporters are included in this number?

    ‘Record 6.6 million file jobless claims as coronavirus grips economy’

    [An unprecedented 6.6 million people filed unemployment claims in the last week of March, meaning 10 million people have now filed for jobless claims since the coronavirus pandemic ripped through the country, shattering the economy.

    A total of 6,648,000 people filed initial unemployment claims for the week ending March 28, more than double the the roughly 3.3 million seasonally adjusted initial claims the previous week. Until that point, the highest level on record was 695,000 in October of 1982. ]- The Hill, 4-2-20

    And who will the nutjobs of the MAGA” folks want to threaten for sharing THIS hard Truth?

    1. They make me so mad Truth. Then they are the same ones lining up to argue about taking a handout but they don not want anybody else to get help.

      1. BD, the MAGAs are first and foremost, Liars, Hypocrites, know-Nothings and gun-Nuts.

        Most of the MAGAs can’t make it WITHOUT a handout. And you’re right. they don’t want anyone else to get any help. Like *their* leader they have no sham. None.

        But THIS could get interesting. Their *leader* is a serial-lying, narcissistic, sociopathic buffoon who doesn’t give a fig about anybody but himself. So we’ll shall see what he does to address their needs.

  4. This has gone too far now. These crazy fools actually want to hurt the one person that knows everything we need to survive this virus. This is the guy that can save their life but they would rather hurt him than make Trump look bad. America has been exposed now. I cannot wait to get this clown out of office and take his crazies with him.

    1. I cannot wait to get this clown out of office and take his crazies with him. […]

      Sadly BD, I’m not sure MAGAs will fall back after Trump is gone. At least not right away.

      I believe their numbers will decrease. However, I think the majority of them may stick around for awhile to further try and tear this county apart. With Trump defeated they will determine there is nothing left of *their* country. They will become more angry and desperate for racial division and cultural strife. Oh and they will definitely run out an buy more guns because???…(any old Fake excuse will do). Anyway………

      Their efforts will fail. But they’re going to try.

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