DR. LAURA: “I Quit”
After receiving an abundance of criticism for using the “N” word 11 times during a dispute with an African-American female caller last week, Dr. Laura announced Tuesday on CNN’s “Larry King Live” that she will not renew her contract which ends later this year, choosing instead to “regain my First Amendment rights.”
After more than 30 years in the business, Schlessinger said, “I want to be able to say what’s on my mind and in my heart and what I think is helpful and useful without somebody getting angry or some special-interest group deciding this is a time to silence a voice of dissent.” While Schlessinger says she is still “regretful” over the incident involving the “N” word, she believes her freedom of speech rights “have been usurped by angry, hateful groups who don’t want to debate — they want to eliminate.”
Said Schlessinger: “I decided it was time to move on to other venues where I could say my peace and not have to live in fear anymore.”
Good riddance!
Keli Goff – HuffPost Blogger:"By no means am I a fan of Dr. Laura, …but I'm even less of a fan of the n-word, which I find more offensive, more harmful, and more poisonous to our community than Dr. Laura will ever be…Now I happen to consider Dr. Laura's laughably flawed logic more offensive than her use of the n-word, but considering her doctorate is actually in physiology and not psychology like many believe, it's really not that surprising that she knows so little about people or race relations. But the fact that she felt justified saying what she did confirms a fundamental reality: Arbitrary rules about who can say the n-word and who cannot simply do not work. Dr. Laura felt justified saying what she did because a host of rappers and comedians continue to validate her perspective," Hat-Tip: The Daily DishSo now Dr. Laura can go off and set up her own little indy thing where she can feel "free" to say “N*gger” “N*gger” “N*gger” all day long “just to prove a point” (rolling my eyes) if it makes her happy. But I've also gotta say: IMO, it’s waaay past time for collective Black America to publicly REJECT the use of that word BY OUR PEOPLE under ANY and ALL circumstances! NO exceptions. NO excuses. End of story.And if Dr. Laura’s rant ends up being instrumental in moving “Us” (Black-Americans) speedily along in achieving that goal…then She will have My sincerest Thanks!
Isnt this lady like a vet doctor or something? Gotta question a quack like her giving out advice on the radio. Now she can go say whatever she wants in the privacy of home. Goodbye!
Her next job?An analist on "faux" news.