DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA
Wow, I can’t believe I’ve never commented on this before. I guess I concluded that the speech speaks for itself and on an unparalleled historical level – there was simply no need for me to say a thing.
I now think that my non-response was an unintended act of disrepected to that great Young man as well as to ALL of the incredible people (Non-violent Civil Rights and Equal Rights warriors) who put their lives on the line every single day so that WE (Every American) can truly be free and treated Equal in Society and in eyes of the Law.
Have we made some progress? Yes. But we haven’t come nearly as far as I (and many other Americans) thought we had.
We’ve still got a mighty looooong way to go achieve Dr. King’s dream!
We owe it to Him, to them (Non-violent Warriors of All ages, races, ethnic groups and genders) to Ourselves and most of all to Our children and to their children and to their children.
Wow, I can’t believe I’ve never commented on this before. I guess I concluded that the speech speaks for itself and on an unparalleled historical level – there was simply no need for me to say a thing.
I now think that my non-response was an unintended act of disrepected to that great Young man as well as to ALL of the incredible people (Non-violent Civil Rights and Equal Rights warriors) who put their lives on the line every single day so that WE (Every American) can truly be free and treated Equal in Society and in eyes of the Law.
Have we made some progress? Yes. But we haven’t come nearly as far as I (and many other Americans) thought we had.
We’ve still got a mighty looooong way to go achieve Dr. King’s dream!
We owe it to Him, to them (Non-violent Warriors of All ages, races, ethnic groups and genders) to Ourselves and most of all to Our children and to their children and to their children.
Our Non-violent battle is NOT nearly over!