Comments on: DRILL BABY, DRILL News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 03 May 2010 18:05:39 +0000 And in a related story: "Rush Limbaugh: Oil Spill Is Natural"[First he claimed that the oil spill’s timing was very convenient…as if it could have been an inside job by environmentalists.And now, this:“The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and left out there,” Limbaugh said. “It’s natural. It’s as natural as the ocean water is.”Well shoot…what are we doing spending all this time and energy trying to stop this thing? Let’s just let tens of millions of gallons of oil flow into the ocean. There’s so much water it’ll just naturally dissipate, right?Meanwhile…serious people are taking action… ]http://trueslant.comYES. I’m going to repeat myself:You see, unlike the dumb, disingenuous AND dangerous MORON he is in OUR world, in HIS world he’s a Really. Brilliant. Guy._SMH.

By: Truthiz Mon, 03 May 2010 18:00:09 +0000 Think Progress:[On Fox News Sunday, Fox’s Brit Hume said that, while his pro-drilling stance has not been changed by the disaster, the spill validates the concern of environmentalists who warned that such a disaster was inevitable: “Think about what the environmentalists have always said about this. Is it’s not a matter of if there’ll be a disaster of this kind resulting in this kind of offshore drilling, it’s only a matter of when. This verifies that argument, and becomes a powerful factor in the debate over what to do next. I don’t see any way around the political reality that this will set back the cause of offshore drilling in the United States”]But wait. The Weekly Standard’s little neoCOn prince, Bill Kristol, is still very much Palin's "drill-baby-drill" kinda guy. Heck BK even went so far as to say he thinks the U.S. should undertake MORE drilling “CLOSER to the shore, because it’s less dangerous, less treacherous than trying to drill fifty miles out from the coast.” (Long pause…) Um_Okay. NOW I get it: Unlike the dumb, disingenuous AND dangerous MORON he is in Our world, in His world he’s a really brilliant guy_SMH. Meanwhile this MAN-MADE environmental disaster looks like it’s going to impact the coasts of “Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida” by the time it’s all said and done And at the rate the oil is spilling this could well be "on the scale of the largest oil spills in history.” 🙁
