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Drivers License Upgrade Required For Air Travel

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If you’re one of the millions of Americans who’s used to using your state Drivers License as ID to board a plane, you might need to upgrade your ID or risk having it rejected on your next flight.

Because the TSA realized after 9/11 how easy it was to print a fake Drivers License, lawmakers introduced the REAL ID Act of 2005.  This requires all US residents to upgrade their travel IDs.  Most states have already done so automatically, however, residents of New York State, New Jersey, California, and others did not.  So, all residents are being urged to upgrade their licenses or IDs soon if they plan on taking a domestic flight.

Drivers License

Beginning in October 2020, passengers from all US states will no longer be allowed to use an ordinary license as ID to go through TSA security checkpoints and board a plane.  NY, CA, and other states (that have not already upgraded) will soon require airline passengers to have what is called a REAL ID license or ID card, which has a star on it and indicates it meets federal security standards.

Over the coming weeks, travelers will begin seeing signs at airports nationwide reminding them that REAL ID-compliant licenses and IDs (or other acceptable forms of ID) will be mandatory for air travel.

Of course, a US passport (or passport from your country of residence), as well as federal government PIV cards or US military IDs will still be acceptable for air travel.  However, your old and trusty state drivers license (without the newly required REAL ID star) will get you turned away at the checkpoint beginning next year.

Even if you just got a license recently, it will remain legal for driving but not for air travel.  So, you may have to take your brand new license back to your local DMV and apply for the upgrade — or, you may simply use a passport at the airport for both domestic and international travel.

The Real ID Act of 2005, enacted May 11, 2005, is an Act of Congress that modifies U.S. federal law pertaining to security, authentication, and issuance procedures standards for state driver’s licenses and identity documents, as well as various immigration issues pertaining to terrorism. Wikipedia


To find out if your state requires you to upgrade to a REAL ID, CLICK HERE.

Drivers License



OK WASSUP! covers Travel News:
Upgrade your drivers license for air travel.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. DJ, thanks for this!

    The truth is, I had intended to have this done already but procrastinated to the point that I’d almost forgotten about it.

    THIS post serves as a reminder for me to

    Thanks again DJ.

  2. This is important information to have. Thanks DJ. I am heading to the website to check now.

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