Vice-President Would Run Country Says Trump

Politics –
Vice-President Would
Run Country Says Trump
Donald Trump doesn’t really want to be president — he just wants to be Chairman of the Board. He’d rather play president and have his vice-president take care of such mundane details as actually running the country.
Those are the words of Trump advisor Paul Manafort, who recently made it clear just how crucial “The Donald’s” VP pick would be in a Trump administration.
‘He needs an experienced person to do the part of the job he doesn’t want to do. He sees himself more as the chairman of the board, than even the CEO, let alone the COO,’” Manafort said.
Like the sleazy, reality TV show ego-maniac that he is, Trump wants to be the “brand” of the presidency without having to take on any of the responsibility that goes with it. As with his businesses that merely bear his name, he’d prefer only a passing involvement in the presidency. He’d rather enjoy the pomp and circumstance of having the Marine Band play “Hail To The Chief” every time he walks in a room, than sit in the Oval Office and actually do — you know — stuff. That “stuff” would be reserved for his vice-president, while Trump jet-sets around the world, posing for photo ops and looking “presidential.”
As for reading daily national security briefing papers so that he could keep the country safe as Commander-In-Chief…ehhh…Trump wouldn’t really be interested in that sort of thing.
“Trump doesn’t read briefing papers, but he is a magnet for information, Manafort said. “He reads the newspapers, and he talks on the phone and to office visitors in a never-ending stream. You’re sitting there in his office and you realize that he is constantly picking up stuff as he goes.’”
That’s why the vice-president pick will be “part of the process of proving he’s ready for the White House,” Manafort said.
As for who this all-powerful vice-president would be, Manafort also made that perfectly clear.
“The campaign probably won’t choose a woman or a member of a minority group,” he said. “That would be viewed as pandering, I think.”

Just in case you were unable to read between the lines, white males make up around 30.6% of the United States population, about 35% of voters and a definitive 100% of those who Trump would consider qualified to be his vice president. After all, just take a look at a typical Trump rally. The audience is made up of mostly white men who are pissed off they’re losing their power and influence in America to black and brown people. So, naturally, an all-white male Republican ticket would electrify the base the best.
@speechboy71 So he doesn’t want to govern? He just wants to give nebulous advice to the person actually governing? Good lord.
— Jason Fritz (@JasonFritz1) May 26, 2016
Manafort also provided the public with more tidbits of info to chew on regarding his boss. In fact, he’s trying to whitewash perhaps the most pivotal moment in Trump’s campaign: his controversial stance against Muslims.
“’He’s already started moderating on that,’ Manafort said. ‘He operates by starting the conversation at the outer edges and then brings it back towards the middle [LYING]. Within his comfort zone, he’ll soften it some more.’”
Or in other words, Trump feeds his fanatical followers a huge pile of bullshit, riles them up, then completely reverses his position simply to blend in with the rest of society? Yeah, that sounds like a proven leader, alright!
This unserious, unqualified, bigoted charlatan has actually seized the nomination of a major political party, placing him only a whisper away from winning the White House??
This can’t be real life!
The audience is made up of mostly white men who are pissed off they’re losing their power and influence in America to black and brown people. […..]
DJ you're enitire post is on point. But in that one sentence you've summed it all up – the reason Trump an "unserious, unqualified, bigoted charlatan" and draft-dodging FAKE alpha-dog to boot…actually now controls the Republican party.
Trump's ability to seize the Repub nomination is…and has been from the start…first-and-foremost about millions of angry White people, desperately clinging to the notion that he is the "Great White Hope" they've been waiting for to STOP America from becoming more Black and Brown. And most importantly, to restore "real" Americans back to their "Supremacist" status.
I wish to also add………
There are also millions of White Americans (I believe) who are utterly appalled at of the spectacle of Trump's presidential candidacy…horrified even…at the real possibility he may actually win the Presidency!?!
Those good, decent, hard-working, open-minded, White Americans are NOT looking for a "Great White Hope" to lead them back to anywhere.
Like most Americans, they are simply looking for Hope in a competent and qualified President who will lead ALL of America….Forward. .
Whoa this dude is a piece of work. He really thinks he can sit around the White House with a title and not have to do nothing? He doesn't want to read any briefing reports or have to know anything? What about when he has to sit across a foreign leader and maybe negotiate something? He is going to look real stupid when a foreign president asks him something and he has no idea what they are talking about because he didn't do the homework. This just proves once and for all if we let this man anywhere near the White House all our lives will be in danger. They always talk about what is the next threat to national security, well HE is the threat to all our national security.
This just proves once and for all if we let this man anywhere near the White House all our lives will be in danger. They always talk about what is the next threat to national security, well HE is the threat to all our national security. [….]
And let the Church say AAAAAMEN.
This unserious, unqualified, reality TV charlatan has no intention of actually doing the job of president. He just wants the status that comes along with the title. Elections have consequences, and every day it seems another boxcar is added to this train wreck. [….] Susan Wright, RedState writer
RS Reader:
Trump wants all of the power and pageantry and none of the work. Big surprise there. Which convinces me all the more that his candidacy was a lark that got completely out of hand. […]
RS reader:
Based on the names we have heard thus far, the best we can hope for is Newt. And he only amounts to the clown with the least amount of grease paint and smallest red nose. […]
And just read this little goodie over at Politico……
"Shady accounting underpins Trump’s wealth"
NEW YORK — Donald Trump claims a net worth of more than $10 billion and an income of $557 million. But he appears to get there only by overvaluing properties and ignoring his expenses.
POLITICO spoke with more than a dozen financial experts and Trump’s fellow multimillionaires about the presumptive Republican nominee’s latest financial statement. Their conclusion: The real estate magnate’s bottom line — what he actually puts in his own pocket — could be much lower than he suggests. Some financial analysts said this, and a very low tax rate, is why Trump won’t release his tax returns. [….]
In short- He' rich. But not nearly as rich as he keeps claming to be. And I'm guessing most Americans (even his supporters) had figured that out already.
But it's nice to have it pretty much confirmed.
Trump is a total jackass. What kinda guy says crap like this? I hear Bill Kristol might get a real conservative to run against Trump third party to save us. I hope so.