Driving While Black: A Young, Black Male Warning
Have you been part of ‘The Conversation?’ You know, the talk almost every black parent in America has had with their sons (or daughters) regarding the dangers of Driving While Black.
If you are a White-American, you may be completely clueless and unaware that the rules of the road when stopped by the police are quite different for blacks than whites. For example, whites are generally perceived by police as non-threatening and non-dangerous when pulled over. However, blacks are generally and immediately stereotyped as dangerous and threatening and must, therefore, respond quite differently when stopped by police.
It’s known as Driving White Black and every black mother and father is well aware of the unwritten rules. Sadly, almost every black mother and father has been forced to have ‘The Conversation’ with their sons (or daughters) to train them on how to survive a police stop and how to come home alive and not in a body bag.
For whites, they regularly enjoy the privilege of being able to say or do anything when stopped by the police. However, the rules for blacks are wholly different.
Every black parent in America knows (and tells their kids) that if a cop pulls them over, their first instruction is to IMMEDIATELY pull out their driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance (so that they don’t have to reach for it and risk being shot by a police officer who “assumes” they’re reaching for a gun). The next instruction is to roll the windows down and put both hands on the steering wheel in plain view of the officer. Finally, they are told to listen, to remain respectful, to avoid any argument or perception of appearing to “resist” anything. Additionally, they are told to reach for NOTHING and to make no quick or unexpected moves.
Yes, it’s sad that in 2019 this is the reality for African-Americans. Yes, it’s said that in 2019 the rules for blacks are remarkably different than the rules for whites. However, this is the reality of Driving While Black. This is what virtually every black parent in America is telling their sons and daughters. This is what keeps our black sons and daughters alive.
Wow! That video is really something. Thanks for sharing it DJ. Like you said.. it’s “A MUST SEE!” (Sigh!)…I am reminded of a beautiful Summer evening, late 80s, My mother and I were sitting in her kitchen discussing a very disturbing news story we’d just watched on the evening news, It was about the growing problem of (mostly) white police officers pulling over (mostly) younger black male drivers for little or no reason. Back then cops weren’t as quick to shoot even a Black man, depending on where you lived. But cops would pull them over just to harass them. I remember mom and I expressed to each other how grateful we were that my brother (a young adult Black male at the time) hadn’t been subjected to that nonsense. My brother had never shared with Us that he in fact had been subjected to police harassment…until THAT day, when… Read more »