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Drunk Driving Teen Had ‘Affluenza?’

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Top News Today –
Drunk Driving Teen Kills 4, 
Gets Off Due To ‘Affluenza’
Who says there’s no such thing as racial inequality in the U.S. justice system?

Top News Today
An unnamed 14-year-old African-American kid from Texas punched someone in the face and killed them. Judge Jean Boyd sentenced the kid to 10 years in prison for the death of the ONE person he hit.

Ethan Couch, a 16-year-old white kid from Texas, killed 4 people while he was driving drunk.  The same judge, Jean Boyd, only sentenced Couch to a simple 10 year probation and no jail time for single-handedly killing FOUR people.  Hmmm…

Lawyers for Couch argued that the teen’s parents were partly to blame for the crash because they never set limits for their son and gave him everything he wanted. However, it was testimony from a defense sponsored psychologist that secured the young white lad’s freedom.

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Top News Today
G. Dick Miller said that the teen’s family felt wealth bought privilege, that Couch suffered from “affluenza,” a condition in which his wealth and privilege kept him from understanding the consequences of his actions. and that his life could be turned around with 1 to 2 years of treatment and no contact with his parents.  Judge Boyd agreed.

top news today current events fox newsThe young black kid had no money, no connections and no white background to get him out of his dilemma.  However, the white and wealthy Couch reportedly told a passenger in his car, “I’m Ethan Couch, I’ll get you out of this.”  And so he did!

In a recent segment on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” Dr. Miller tried to explain why it was the right thing to sentence the black kid to jail, but to give a brief stay in a swanky rehab center to the wealthy white kid. Needless to say, Anderson Cooper was having none of Miller’s logic.

Top News Today
“Why is that okay for a 14-year-old poor kid, but for a 16-year-old well-off kid, they get to go have equine therapy,” Cooper asked Miller. “Does that seems fair?”

“There actually are Black people who have money, Anderson,” a visibly flustered Miller responded. “I don’t know why you continue to make this a racial thing. I treat all races.”

Calls to have Judge Boyd immediately removed from the bench have been rampant.

“This sentence is a slap in the face [of] the families of those who were killed. He’s sent to California to a spa-type center while the families of the victims get to go to a cemetery,’ wrote Stephen Pyka of Texas.

‘This is another disgusting display of the wealthy trying to change the rules when they break them. This judge should be removed for aiding a murderer,’ said Nina Eagle of Appomattox, Va.

OK WASSUP! tracks the top news today, including the white teen 
who only received probation due to “affluenza” after killing 4.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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