Don’t look now, but the dumbing down of America — as it relates to Donald Trump — just keeps coming!
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It’s sad to see how many Americans blindly follow Donald Trump. It’s even sadder to discover that not only will they vote for him, but they attend his rallies, march in protests for him, buy his merchandise, and send him their hard-earned money — all without actually thinking through their actions or taking the time to know and understand the issues.
Take a look at the video below, where a bumbling MAGA idiot contradicts herself into silence after saying she believes Trump is the real president now but that Barack Obama is secretly running the country.
OK WASSUP! discusses Entertainment:
Trump’s pathetic dumbing down of America.
It truly pains me to say this DJ, but I would posit that the dumbing down of America began quite some time ago – mid to late 80s, under Reagan. And then really took root during the 90s and into G. Dubya’s 8 yrs presidency.
That’s why it was/and is so easy for Trump to take over the Republican party and play his synchophants and voters for fools.
She looked real stupid when they made her think about what she was saying. So ignorant. smh