Gilroy. El Paso. Dayton. Here we go again!
Top News Today
On Saturday, a lone shooter sprayed bullets across an innocent crowd of shoppers inside a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, killing 20 and injuring 26. Then, less than 24 hours later, another shooter opened fire on a crowd of Saturday night revelers in Dayton, Ohio, killing 9 and injuring 26. All of this occurred only days after a horrific shooting scene at the Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California, where 3 were killed.
Interestingly, none of the 3 shooters were Muslim extremists or members of ISIS. None of the shooters were illegal immigrants who crossed the border from Mexico or other points south to exact rage against innocent Americans. No! The shooters were members of America’s dark secret and a group Donald Trump refuses to acknowledge or discuss: disenfranchised white males with guns
Patrick Crusius is the 21-year-old proud Donald Trump supporter and avowed white supremacist responsible for the El Paso killings. He told police he traveled 650 miles from Allen, TX to El Paso to commit mass murder because he hates immigrants and wanted to show the world just how much he is “against race-mixing.” He admitted that he holds racist hatred toward Hispanics and blames immigrants for taking away jobs and for blending cultures in the US. He also added that he supports Trump’s mantra to “send them back” or else face certain “genocide.”
Among the 20 deaths were 6 Mexican nationals.
“Mexico would like to express its utmost, profound condemnation and rejection of this barbaric act,” Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said over the weekend. He then said he intends to file a lawsuit against the United States to avenge the deaths of the Mexican nationalists.
The El Paso shooting was followed by another random murder spree. This time the melee occurred in Dayton, Ohio and was conducted by 24-year-old Connor Betts, who donned body armor, bragged about killing scores of people, then randomly took the lives of 9 people, including the accidental killing of his own younger sister.
All of this comes after the murder scene at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California, where 19-year-old Santino William Legan killed 3, including 6-year-old Stephen Romero. Legan was a known xenophobe and white supremacist who, on the day of the killings, posted this message on social media:
“Read Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white tw**s?”
No border wall — no matter how high or wide — and no amount of immigration camps with separated families and kids inside cages would have saved a single life during these shooting rampages. Why? Because no immigrant or no Muslim or no member of al-Qaeda pulled a single trigger to kill these Americans. These murders were conducted by WHITE men with guns — white AMERICAN men who are not merely domestic terrorists with a mental illness (a label Trump and his cronies have tried to affix in a non-threatening way). No! Let’s call them what they are: WHITE SUPREMACIST MEN WITH GUNS WHO ARE INSTIGATING A RACE WAR FOR THE ‘CLEANSING’ OF AMERICA.
Granted, like anyone who commits mass murder, these white male killers are sick in the head. However, let’s also be 100% honest. They are getting their marching orders from Donald Trump himself, who travels to their communities across the country then riles them up with rhetoric to “Build That Wall” and “Send ‘THEM‘ Back” to protect (white) America from what he claims are rapists and killers who are illegally crossing into our country daily.

No matter how much he tries to distance himself from the violence, Trump’s words and deeds are indeed responsible and equivalent to yelling “FIRE!” inside a crowded theater, then wondering why there’s mass hysteria when everyone starts running and trampling over each other as a reaction.
If building a wall is the answer to keeping America safe, then tell us, Mr. Trump, where do we build the wall that protects our children from young white men who feed on your hate speech??
“We’ve done actually a lot [about guns] but perhaps more has to be done,” an unusually sheepish and guilty Donald Trump said on Sunday with blood on his own hands.
Despite his frequent innocent act, Donald Trump has blown the lid off of white supremacy and provided them the courage and permission to roam free in order to “Make America Great Again.” Now that he’s opened Pandora’s Box, it will be next to impossible to put a lid back on racism.
Let’s face it, folks, “thoughts and prayers” are no longer enough. America is once again on the verge of a civil war. A race war that will be a fight to the death for the fabric of America. Will America remain a White, Christian nation where blacks and browns and gays know their place? Or will White-America cede power to a rapidly-growing contingency of blacks and browns and become the minority race with limited power?
The fight has already begun. The fanatical and blind “can do no wrong” support of Donald Trump combined with shootings in El Paso, Gilroy, Dayton, and countless other American cities is proof positive and a mere preview of what’s to come. Militia groups in the back woods of Georgia and the mountains of Montana have been training for this day for more than a decade. So, it’s time that we wake up and realize this is not domestic terrorism. This is not a few mentally ill guys with guns who don’t know better. This is not even some Muslims or Mexicans on an American killing spree. This is a white supremacist uprising that is only going to get worse — particularly with Trump regularly poking and prodding that a black or brown boogeyman is coming for us all.
Wake up and smell the coffee, America. We are at war!!
WATCH: Eddie Glaude Jr and former Gov. Pat McCrory (R-N.C.) debate who is responsibility for dual massacres and rising hate.@esglaude: “We are in a cold civil war. And there are some people who bear the burden of it.”
— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) August 4, 2019
DJ, this is an incredibly difficult post for me to respond to but it is ABSOLUTELY necessary that you wrote it and that WE (your readers) really discuss it!
ALL of America (Americans who truly give a d*mn about Us as a nation AND a people) had d*mn well better be having THIS very discussion, because THIS indeed IS an all out Civil War for the Heart and Soul of America.
(sidebar-I’m at work but will probably hang out here a good part of the day responding and hoping other readers will join the discussion)
I’ll start with this. I do believe America is at a tipping point in our history. We are on the verge of an all out “Race War.” HOWEVER I do NOT believe THIS will be the “Race War” that White Supremacists/White Nationalist and Neo-Nazis in America have longed clamored for. Nope.
I believe THIS will be a “Race War” WITHIN White America.
How so if you don’t mind me asking?
Wil…I’ll expound a little more after my meeting but in the meantime please see my 2nd response.
Unless I’ve got my history wrong, wasn’t the 2nd amendment created when the colonies, soon to become states, had militias to protect themselves from various threats and not government sanctioned police forces.
Michael, the 2nd amendment was because it was against the law to have weapons to fight against the British.
I’ll get to that 2-legged vessel of Hate in the White House but I need to say more about the role White America has played in all this madness.
Since the INVASION of this country by White Europeans, Whites who generally aren’t Haters and racists have always had the luxury of remaining silent as they go about their daily lives ignoring or denying or minimizing what has ALWAYS been Clearly in sight, Clearly DE-humanizing. Clearly Unjust and UNholy. CLEARLY Racist.
Ask the Native Americans about the INVASION of the White so-called “Christians” whose first order of business was to set about systemically slaughtering the Indians (Racial Genocide) in order to STEAL their lands and wealth..all done in the name “Civilization.”
Oh and spare me any such notion that America is a “White Christian nation.”
America was founded on Racism and White Supremacy. Founded on Hate, Fear and ignorance. Founded on, Slavery, the LOVE of money and power. It’s all DEEPLY rooted in the fabric of America,
So now “the chickens have come home to roost.” White America, this cold “Civil War” is on you.
Silence IS Compliance.
Read: Martin Luther King’s “Letter From Birmingham Jail”
Have to head to a meeting now but I’ll be back (gonna talk about Trump). In the meantime, I really hope more readers will chime in and share your thoughts.
Excuse my language DJ but I am so pissed off right now. I just took a break at work and watched Trump talk about these shootings and this fool actually stood up there and said white supremacy has no place in America. But he is the one egging these people on. Plus he tried to blame it all on video games and people just having mental problems. Everybody and everything is to blame but him. I am so mad right now I need to take a break.
When I saw that press conference I began to cuss! It was the epitome of HYPOCRISY! I was yelling at the TV yelling SERIOUSLY. . . are you effin’ kidding me!! He has done everything in his power to promote fear and hatred! His constant vilification of the free press to incite his “base” so they believe his vitriol as gospel gave them permission to be as fanatical and ignorant as they want. He is the UGLY FACE of white supremacy, bigotry and hatred! Mental illness is NOT the problem!
Maybe now his immigrant wife can see the effect of his cyberbullying!
Countries all over the world have people with mental problems and people that like to play video games. But nobody else is killing people like the United Stats is. The guy in El Paso wrote a manifesto and included Trump’s own words in it. Now Trump refuses to take any responsibility for what is going on? Give me a break
I am a first time responder so please go easy on me. In the interest of full disclosure let me first say I am a lifelong Republican who does not support Donald Trump. He has been a national disgrace in my opinion. There’s no doubt in my mind he is setting this country back a hundred years. I, too, saw his speech this morning and with that said I did want to point out an omission from his remarks. This morning the president tweeted he would make a deal with Congress for background checks in exchange for immigration control. By the time he spoke that proposal was mentioned nowhere in his remarks. I can only assume the NRA got to him before speaking. Thank you for letting a Republican gal be part of the conversation.
Hey Laura. You are always welcome here. We take everybody.
Laura, I’ll just echo BD. “You are always welcome here. We take everybody.”
DJ I want to apologize to you for earlier but Trump had me all wired up. You are right these white supremacist are coming for us and Trump is leading the way. He needs to either stand up on camera and be a man and accept his responsibility or else just admit he’s a racist and he is leading the pack. If he was any kind of real leader he would tell people they can not kill out of racism and then he would stop all the hateful speech that is on him. Then he needs to be a leader and get these war guns out of the publics hands. Nobody needs an assault rifle except to kill masses of people. Stop letting the NRA punk you into pushing their agenda.
Okay I’m back and it looks like a bit of discussion is underway. Diverse voices are always welcomed! We don’t bite. We just keep it respectful.
So let me expound a little on my earlier comment – that the “Race War” looming AIN’T the war Haters have literally been praying for -and doing their damnedest to ignite – since the Civil Rights Movement.
As I expressed earlier -Whites who I believe generally are NOT Haters and White Supremacists have always had the luxury of remaining silent while UNholy H*LL was unleashed on the lives of “Others” (Blacks, Brown, Jews, Native Americans). Today, in 2019, the luxury of Whites remaining silent is gone. Thanks to Trump.
So the days of Whites remaining on the sidelines and going about their daily lives as usual…Are.Gone.
Trump has pulled the covers completely off of White America and dragged Racism, White Supremacy and White Nationalism into the mainstream for ALL the world to see. He has with callous and craven deliberateness poured gasoline on a simmering fire and set in motion….unimaginable Death, Destruction and Sorrow.
In conclusion…..
Because the most serious threat WE face (as a nation and a people) is in fact now much bigger than Trump, White Americans who love America enough to choose “Country over tribe” MUST confront their White brethren who are driven by one goal. Carrying out White. Domestic. Terrorism.
Simply put- I believe it’s going to take White America leading the way in this “Race War”….AND the Grace of God to save America.
The Leadership of the NRA will do whatever it has to, to keep power. Congressmen will do whatever they have to, to keep power. Do you think there’s a connection?
If “James Madison” were alive today I am certain he would NOT approve! Please do not come at me for MY opinions! Gun Laws Must be stricter! I am a Proud Democrat & my top issues are health care & Gun Laws! I’ve said it 100 Times! Guidance must be given in schools since it’s apparently not taught in the home! Most of the Mass Shooters are Young Men 19-26 years old! What does this say? There is a pattern that MUST be broken! Law enforcement find their HATE spewed on social media AFTER these tragedies! This is the new WAR in the US! But it does not happen over seas! It happens in different cities at malls, schools, a movie theater, streets. Assault Weapons of any kind HAVE to be banned to the General Public! They are NOT meant to be held by Mentally Ill High School Graduates Lost in a world of HATE! Laws MUST be passed! The NRA has too much money & control! I know what the 2nd amendment says. I doubt the “Right to Bear Arms” should be interpreted as “The right to kill anyone at any time!” This is beyond disgusting! This is beyond sad! This Will continue until law makers STOP 🛑 it!
If “James Madison” were alive today I am certain he would NOT approve! Please do not come at me for MY opinions! Gun Laws Must be stricter! I am a Proud Democrat & my top issues are health care & Gun Laws! I’ve said it 100 Times! Guidance must be given in schools since it’s apparently not taught in the home! Most of the Mass Shooters are Young Men 19-26 years old! What does this say? There is a pattern that MUST be broken! Law enforcement find their HATE spewed on social media AFTER these tragedies! This is the new WAR in the US! But it does not happen over seas! It happens in different cities at malls, schools, a movie theater, streets. Assault Weapons of any kind HAVE to be banned to the General Public! They are NOT meant to be held by Mentally Ill High School Graduates Lost in a world of HATE! Laws MUST be passed! The NRA has too much money & control! I know what the 2nd amendment says. I doubt the “Right to Bear Arms” should be interpreted as “The right to kill anyone at any time!” This is beyond disgusting! This is beyond sad! This Will continue until law makers STOP 🛑 it!
This post is POWERFUL! I TOTALLY agree that White Americans can not continue to stay silent if we want REAL change. The silence has bred this dangerous space of mass shooting and a resurgence of white supremacy.
But the reality is that it will take COURAGE to do so which so many are lacking! Because if Whites who claim not to be racist or don’t agree with the ideology continue not to speak out, the status quo will remain. It takes courage to address being the recipient of white privilege/power and giving it up. It takes courage to stand up to hatred and violence at your own peril. It takes courage to speak truth when you see wrong being perpetrated. it takes courage to admit hidden inner biases that make you uncomfortable. It takes courage to admit this country has wronged and oppressed people since its enception and tries to dismiss because it wasn’t them. It takes courage to look boldly at your own cowardice and take a stand for what you KNOW is right!
Yes, White American will have to lead the charge in this fight. . . They started it!
Great having a few New voices added to the mix! If ever there was a time in Our nation’s history when more Americans need to speak Out and let Our voices be heard…It’s. NOW.
I want to add this because I have railed against the American news industry before and I’m NOT about to ignore their part in ALL of this now.
The American news industry, specifically 24 hr cable news, MUST be held accountable for the totally irresponsible role that industry has (far too often) played in this madness from at least the late 90s to the present.
The ad nausea coverage of “Birtherism” as a backlash to Pres. Obama’s presidency was absolutely disgusting. Trump jumped on that Hate-train and was instantly given a global platform to spew his venom, well BEFORE there was even a hint he might run for president. Then the news media cynically chose to go all in with Over $2 Billion dollars worth of FREE, Non-stop coverage of CANDIDATE Trump…Obsessed with his Every word and tweet (even Now)…d*mn the harm to Our country.
Truth you know I agree with you. Me and you are the ones usually holding it down in here. I hope some of these people stop hiding in the shadows and keep speaking out about these important topics.
“I hope some of these people stop hiding in the shadows and keep speaking out about these important topics.”
I hope so too, BD. I really hope so too.
Just a little reminder: Feb. 29, 2016
Les Moonves: Trump’s run is ‘damn good for CBS’
Donald Trump’s candidacy might not be making America great, CBS Chairman Les Moonves said Monday, but it’s great for his company.
“It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS,” Moonves said at the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media & Telecom Conference in San Francisco, according to The Hollywood Reporter — perfectly distilling what media critics have long suspected was motivating the round-the-clock coverage of Trump’s presidential bid.
“Most of the ads are not about issues. They’re sort of like the debates,” Moonves said, noting, “[t]here’s a lot of money in the marketplace.”
The 2016 campaign is a “circus,” he remarked, but “Donald’s place in this election is a good thing.”
“Man, who would have expected the ride we’re all having right now? … The money’s rolling in and this is fun,” Moonves went on. “I’ve never seen anything like this, and this going to be a very good year for us. Sorry. It’s a terrible thing to say. But, bring it on, Donald. Keep going.” – New York Times