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For most of us, we’re very glad to see the election of 2012 finally over.  It was a long and drawn out battle that spent far too much money and captured far too much of our time.  Yet still, we are melancholy now that we’ve finally reached the end of the road.

In case you missed it, here are some of the sights and sounds from last night’s final act of election 2012.






DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Honestly, I'm exhausted. What they put this President through the past 4 yrs is, IMO, unforgiveable.

    But I sincerely appreciate AND commend those White-Americans who (once again) stepped foward and REJECTED the GOP's politics of Hate, cynicism, racism, bigotry, division, vulgarity, and just plain ole IGNORANCE. …in other words, the "Southern Strategy" which I now believe is well on its last legs. Dying a slow and painful death just like today's GOP.

    And let me be clear: I do NOT believe that every White person that voted against the President did so for racist reasons. But I d*mn sure believe that many_if not most_ of them did. And no question about it, Romney and his minions fed into it believing it to be a winning strategy.

    Btw: A. Sullivan has written a great piece: "The American President"


  2. Good post Truth. They took my president for granted (again) and got outplayed (again). When do they wake up and smell the coffee? They can't win with that formula. It's either back to the drawing board or keep losing.

  3. As to your point BD that they took the President "for granted AGAIN and got outplayed AGAIN"…….

    Daniel Larison over @ The American Conservative did an insightful piece:

    "Republicans Failed to Understand Their Opponent"

    "When you pretend that you’re running against another Jimmy Carter, and you actually start to believe it, you’re not fully prepared to compete with a sitting president whose record and approval ratings are nothing like Carter’s. Organizing an entire campaign on such flawed assumptions eventually came back to haunt them. Romney and his allies not only didn’t understand their opponent, but they went out of their way to make sure that they misunderstood him, and in any kind of contest that is usually a recipe for failure."


    Oh and btw: I'm thinking they're going to keep losing because they're going to keep on doing /and saying the most reprehensible stuff. At this point, they truly cannot help themselves.

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