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Election Doomsday Scenarios And Possibilities

- Get ready for weeks of electoral challenges, lawsuits, violence, and social unrest.

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Are you prepared for a multitude of election doomsday scenarios expected this week and beyond — or even aware that you should be? Because unrest has already begun to spiral out of control and is expected by officials to become increasingly worse.

Top News Today
Donald Trump and his MAGA fanatics are hell-bent on winning the 2020 presidential election by any means necessary. For months, ‘The Donald’ has claimed mail-in voting is rigged and that the election will be rife with fraud. Of course (just like in 2016), his claims of fraud will all mysteriously go away if he wins the election outright. However, if he doesn’t, all hell will break loose and America will experience an election doomsday, unlike anything we’ve ever seen before in US history.

Last week, a fistfight broke out between supporters of Donald Trump and Joe Biden on the streets of York County, South Carolina.

Election Doomsday

On Saturday in Graham, North Carolina, a group of citizens traveled from their church to the local courthouse as part of an “I Am Change” march to the polls to cast their ballots. When the group paused for a moment of silence, police indiscriminately released teargas on the crowd of men, women, and children and arrested 8 of them.

“The police were looking for excuses to use pepper spray and arrest members of the crowd,” Lindsay Ayling, a graduate student and anti-racism activist said.

Also on Saturday, a Joe Biden rally in Austin, Texas had to be abruptly canceled when a 100-vehicle “Trump Train group” caravan of MAGA zealots surrounded the Biden For President bus on the highway out of sheer intimidation. After the “Trumpies” slowed the bus to 20 MPH and seemingly attempted to run it off the road, Biden staffers were forced to call 911 to protect their safety.

Election Doomsday

When asked to comment on the near-miss violence against the Biden camp by his followers, Donald Trump responded by tweeting a video of the melee involving the Biden bus with the caption, “I LOVE TEXAS!”

On Sunday, hundreds of businesses in New York City, Washington, DC, Denver, Raleigh, and other major cities across the country began boarding up their shops in preparation for expected election doomsday violence and unrest that could last through the remainder of the year.

Election Doomsday
Macy’s in New York City is boarded up in advance of expected election violence.

Also on Sunday, dozens of Trump MAGA caravans blocked bridges and tunnels in New York and New Jersey in the name of Donald Trump.

Yes, white supremacist and militia groups faithful to Donald Trump have been in the woods training for years for this very moment — the day they could use their truckloads of guns and ammunition to fight a self-invented war to cleanse the nation and “Make America Great Again.”

Donald Trump is so hungry to hold onto power (and avoid going to jail) that he has spent months conditioning his followers into the belief that the 2020 presidential election is rigged against him and will end with a fraudulent result. Of course, he’s also responsible for creating much of the election chaos he’s complaining about and has tried his damndest to throw out and invalidate as many early votes as possible.

So, what election doomsday scenarios could we expect to see?


Democrats overwhelmingly took advantage of early voting.  However, at the urging of Donald Trump, Republicans will cast their ballot at the polls on election day. This could result in the early votes taking several days or more to tally — which could leave an opening for Donald Trump to falsely claim victory on Tuesday night solely based on election day numbers. In fact, the Trump campaign announced late Sunday it intends to declare victory early on Tuesday evening despite the actual outcome or whatever the media says.


If voting machines break down, there’s a massive power outage, or some counting mishap occurs, expect Donald Trump to seize on the opportunity and attempt to cheat and use it to his advantage.


Don’t put it past the Trump campaign to create actual voter fraud. Then, they could go to the courts with legitimate proof of fraud (even though they created it) in the hopes of discrediting and throwing out hundreds of thousands of votes that count against them.

Election Doomsday Election Doomsday Other possible election doomsday scenarios we could see throughout the coming weeks include the mobilization of armed pro-Trump groups, vote counters being intimidated or attacked, state and/or local officials refusing to certify the election results, the Bill Barr-led US Justice Department intervening on Trump’s behalf, the US Supreme Court halting all vote counting and ultimately deciding the election, the US Congress choosing the next president, and, of course, Donald Trump refusing to leave office.

If you’re expecting Election Day 2020 to be like all the others and the drama to end by Tuesday at midnight, guess again.  IF Donald Trump loses this election as most reputable polls predict, he will cause chaos and encourage violent and social unrest all the way up to the moment Joe Biden takes the oath of office in January.  All this in what used to be known as the UNITED States of America.

So, if you’re not prepared for the days and weeks ahead, you’d better get prepared now.  Today is the last day of calm before the coming and inevitable storm.


OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Get ready for election doomsday scenarios.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Well..I do hope and pray that things don’t go all to heck as election results are announced.

    Do I expect that a few more ugly incidents will play out in the coming days? Yes. And they could no doubt be pretty bad.

    But for now, I’ll remain cautiously Optimistic that those incidents are kept to a minimum and quickly shut down.

    We shall see.

  2. I am going to pray nothing bad happens. But these Trump folk are crazy and they are already starting up stuff. Look at what they did trying to run the Biden bus off the road and blocking those highways. Trump is their white hope. If he loses then they are losing white control and they are going to go crazy over that. Also Trump is going to throw a tantrum and stir it all up too. I do not put a thing past any of them. We are ready in Chicago. As the saying goes don’t start nothing won’t be nothing.

  3. I don’t want to alarm anybody but this article is speaking fact. There are credible threats out there for this week and explains why 45 canceled his party and will stay in the White House Tuesday. Here in DC they’re putting up fences around Pennsylvania Avenue and closing the park and everything in that area. I hear that is happening all across the country. When 45 loses there is going to be trouble, mostly from small factions not well organized nationally. But it will happen. Everybody stay safe and remain vigilant.

  4. I really think deep down inside Trump knows he’s probably going to lose…and lose decisively that’s why he’s desperately trying to burn the whole place down. Some of his hardcore supporters are sensing it too. That’s why they’re trying their d*mndest to stir up real trouble.

    And the news media doesn’t help because that industry is so craven and driven by rating$ they tend to blow everything out of proportion….so there’s that.

    I’m just ready for Tomorrow to come so we can finally count the votes. And I’ll continue to hope and pray that trouble is kept to a minimum and squashed quickly.

    I’ll also echo Saleem. “Everybody stay safe and remain vigilant.”

  5. This orange fool actually said out his mouth his MAGGOTS were trying to escort the Biden bus to be nice. GTFOH

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