Comments on: Election Results 2020: The State Of The Race News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 09 Nov 2020 02:08:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Fri, 06 Nov 2020 18:12:07 +0000 Great summary all around DJ. I said it yesterday I knew you had something coming once everything started looking more clear. Now that we have more information Biden has Stacey Abram to thank. The way she worked her tail off in Georgia for him made all the difference in the world. I want the win to be so big Trump look like a fool trying to fight it in court. He already looked like a sore loser on tv yesterday so let him go melt somewhere.

By: Truthiz1 Fri, 06 Nov 2020 16:34:08 +0000 Breaking: Mark Kelly just won the senate seat in Arizona for the Dems.

That brings the senate count to Dems: 48 – Repubs: 48

Those 2 Open senate seats in Georgia have now taken on even more meaning.

And trust – Stacey is already hard at work to get out the Vote and deliver those 2 seats to the Dems in the January run-offs.

By: Truthiz1 Fri, 06 Nov 2020 13:52:29 +0000 Special Message to MY People: Black people….LOOK at Us!


SEE what WE can accomplish when WE put Our minds together and willingly WORK together!

Anything is possible.

By: Truthiz1 Fri, 06 Nov 2020 13:24:33 +0000 Now (pause) about the dark side and the creatures who dwell there……..

Trump won’t go away easily. I had hoped and prayed he would just do the right thing for once in his miserable life…but No. He seems hell bent on trying to burn the whole place down first. He is who he is.

But let’s NOT fool ourselves. Trump is NOT the only perpetrator here. Extremists on BOTH sides are very hateful and destructive azz creatures. Like Trump, they do NOT give a d*mn about anything or anyone. They are NOT patriots. They are nihilists, nutjobs, know-nothings, and traitors. And WE must drive them back to the margins of society. They should Never be in positions of power and leadership. That’s on Us. 

WE have a LOT of work to do. Trump is the canary in the coal mine. 

By: Truthiz1 Fri, 06 Nov 2020 12:52:54 +0000 I want to take minute to really give credit where credit is due beginning with……

The majority of the American people. Joe Biden has already broken the record for the most votes in American presidential history and the votes are still being counted. He’s on track to win between 75-80 Million votes. We The People Have Spoken. WE want a stop to ALL the madness. (but I’ll say more on this later)

Kudos to Stacey Abrams and the Purple state of Georgia. IF Georgia goes for Biden the impact of the tireless work of Stacey AND John Lewis, in particular (his influence and his district) can only be seen as HUGE.

Kudos to Cindy McCain and the voters of the Red state of Arizona -John McCain country. IF Arizona goes for Biden it’ll be because those people LOVED John McCain and they’re willing to put their trust in Biden…a Democrat…to lead this nation. Btw- MCCain and Biden reportedly had a very close relationship. Trump denigrated McCain (even after his death) time and time again. Not.Forgotten.
