Tipping Culture Is Too Far Out Of Control!
Folks, tipping culture has grown WAAAYYY out of control and it’s time to address it.
Entertainment :
I’m always happy to leave a generous gratuity when a restaurant server, bartender, or some other service employee does something extraordinary. I like to offer a gratuity when a driver has to wait for me or handle a lot of baggage on my way to the airport. However, I hate the idea of tipping someone who accepts a low-paying job but then expects me to “make up” the difference in their pay. I even hate the idea that tipping is mandatory and that somehow I’m a jerk for not following the unwritten rule along with everyone else.

Tips were originally invented as a “gratuity” which was offered when a server got you something that wasn’t on the menu, or when a bellhop had to carry very heavy bags to your hotel room. Tips were not designed to go to people who simply did the job they were hired to do.
If tipping culture requires that we give extra money to people who make very little salary, then why don’t we pay actors? Some stage actors make only $100 for the rehearsal process AND the performances COMBINED. Why don’t we tip cash register clerks? Or, how about fast food workers? They all make low salaries too, so why tip some but not others?
Oddly, tipping culture has prompted more and more employees to beg for tips that they simply don’t deserve.
One employee at a fast food drive-thru window recently complained on TIKTOK that they don’t get tips but should.

“What exactly are we tipping for?” one user asked.
“For all the people commenting ‘why tip a drive thru’ bc it gives them a little extra in their paycheck. bc they work hard. bc its nice and they deserve it,” another TikTok user said.
So, now we should tip because someone was nice? Shouldn’t everyone be nice??
In another example of tipping culture getting out of hand, delivery drivers for apps such as DoorDash and GrubHub have started checking for the amount of the tip BEFORE picking up a food order from a local restaurant. That way, if they believe the tip is insufficient or if no tip is listed, they will refuse to make the delivery — often leaving orders undelivered for 2 hours or more.
“Most dashers will not take an order if there is no tip because Doordash only pays us $2.50 per delivery. People think we’re being vindictive and are punishing them for not tipping, when that isn’t the case either,” a DoorDash driver said. “Since we’re paid so little we have to pick the best orders, not out of spite, but simply because we’re trying to make the most out of our dashes.”

Despite the driver’s explanation, this is, in fact, vindictive. Apparently, this driver never considered that some people prefer to tip after service has been rendered. Others might prefer to tip in cash upon delivery instead of through the app (where tips come a week or more later via payroll). Of course, some people wish to not tip at all due to poor service or just their own prerogative. Others may make less money than servers or delivery drivers and just don’t have the extra money to “tip” someone — but still need to eat.
Interestingly, some delivery drivers have gone so far as to throw the food at a customer when the tip was not to their liking. Others have eaten portions of the food themselves before delivering whatever is left over, or kept the entire order altogether.
However, one restaurant decided to weigh in on tipping culture by attempting to bully its customers into helping pay the salaries of its service workers.

“Our girls make $3.00/hr (State of Tennessee wage is $2.17/hr). They work hard and they run their legs off for people. Why is it that people have the audacity to not tip them?” the owner of the Fireside Grille in Tennessee posted online. “THEY DEPEND ON TIPS FOR THEIR PAY!! The workers in the service industry need to make money too… they have bills, kids, car payments, etc just like everyone else.”
“I know your [sic] getting good service… maybe you should consider not going out if you can’t take care (TIP) of the person taking care of you,” the owner added.
Needless to say, many on social media were not having the bad attitude and gave the owner a piece of their mind.
“Why don’t you pay a living wage instead????” a REDDIT user posted while matching the owner’s punctuation energy.
Others also weighed in.

Several countries in Europe and Asia do not accept or even allow tips. They pay their workers a fair salary and don’t expect patrons to make up the difference. Perhaps the US should follow the same example.
ATTENTION RESTAURANT OWNERS: End this crazy tipping culture and pay people what they are worth. If profits aren’t enough to pay legitimate salaries, raise menu prices to cover the salaries — or don’t run a restaurant if you can’t pay your employees. But don’t guilt customers into reaching into their pockets to make up for you not paying a fair wage.
That is robbery!
OK WASSUP! discusses Entertainment:
Tipping culture is too far out of hand.
Several countries in Europe and Asia do not accept or even allow tips. They pay their workers a fair salary and don’t expect patrons to make up the difference. Perhaps the US should follow the same example. […] – DJ
No doubt about it. The U.S. “should follow the same example” as other civilized countries when it comes to a host of issues! Some much more serious than tips…but tips included.
I do tip but frankly I’ve been on the fence for years about this American custom. When I get good service I don’t mind tipping. But there shouldn’t be an expectation that I’m going to tip. That, I do not like!
When I get bad service or just so-so service – No tip and absolutely No guilt!
Btw- the owners of Fireside Grille deserved to be dragged for the foolishness they posted!
Since when is it the customer’s job to make up for the “fair wage” the employer ISN’T paying their employees!?!
Obviously whoever wrote that post has NO shame or they never would’ve written that nonsense in the first place let alone think it a good idea to post it…smh!
Yes that Fireside guy went over board. He is a bad example to make people want to tip.
I have to agree with you tipping has got out of control. It is mandatory now and that is not what it was suppose to be. I tip when it is good and not when it is not.