Emails Come Back To Haunt Hillary

Top News Today –
Emails Come Back
To Haunt Hillary
This Halloween, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was hit with tricks and no treats, as the issue of emails has once again reared its ugly head.
Top News Today
It was an early Christmas present for the Trump campaign and an absolute shocker for the Clinton camp. Over the weekend and just 11 days prior to the 2016 presidential election, FBI Director James Comey sent a note to Republican members of congress saying he was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails and her use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State. Â Here’s why that was an all-around bad move from Comey.
Comey told congress and the general public that he has “some new information” regarding emails and Hillary Clinton. However, he never said specifically what that information was, or if his information was of any significant relevance to Hillary Clinton 11 days before she was on track to be elected the first female President of the United States. Basically, Comey’s action was the equivalent of telling someone “I’ve got something to tell you,” then not telling them — effectively allowing their mind to run wild with possibilities that may or may not actually be bad at all. BAD MOVE!
If Comey has some secret and significant information, there is no way he can complete a thorough investigation prior to the November 8th election. So, in a country where you are innocent until proven guilty, Comey has effectively labeled Hillary Clinton guilty without ever informing the voting public or Mrs. Clinton herself what, if anything, she may be guilty of. BAD MOVE!
James Comey, who is a registered Republican, took massive heat from members of his party when he announced over the summer that no charges would be filed against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while head of the State Department.  Members of the GOP were livid they’d have to enter the election season without a “gotcha” against Mrs. Clinton.  Now, Comey has handed Republicans the “gotcha” they’ve been craving, without providing any details or facts to back it up.  Therefore, he has effectively inserted himself into the 2016 presidential race with the power to completely slant the outcome of the election — all due to information he himself has admitted is part of the Anthony Weiner sexting investigation and may not be at all relevant to Hillary Clinton. BAD MOVE!
Why would Director Comey make such a controversial move 11 days before a major election, then write a letter to his FBI staff covering his tracks?
Top News Today
It’s possible Comey has damning information that could actually sink Hillary Clinton. If this is true and it is horrible enough to make her ineligible for the presidency (VERY unlikely), then it’s time for him to release that info ASAP. However, if it is not true, Comey is 100% in the wrong for making his unprecedented announcement to congress and for creating a perception of guilt where there is none. Â Put up, or shut up.
It’s possible Comey is bowing to the whims of Republicans and playing politics with an “October Surprise” that has the power to affect the election. By merely saying he has “new information” without ever providing any actual details, plants just enough seed of doubt in the minds of voters who will now not vote for Hillary because of “the emails” scandal — even though they have no idea if there is any scandal at all.
Or, it’s possible that Comey is an illiterate loon who had a knee-jerk reaction to an unrelated case and jumped out in front of it all without fully considering the consequences.
Regardless of Comey’s secret information or his motives, his actions over the weekend have already affected the election and tainted the opinions of those Americans who are voting now. So, the question remains: WHAT is his information, and WHY did he go public with no factual details???
Oh boy this is a big mess. Comey is either trying to meddle with the election or he is just stupid. I heard this information he supposedly has he had three weeks ago, but he's just now saying something? Something is real wrong with that. Even if he is not trying to hurt Hillary Clinton he already did just by the perception she did something wrong. He can't be that stupid though. You just don't do what he did and not come out with some real facts. I'm going to pray on this one and hope people aren't stupid enough to vote for Trump over this.
Tues. Nov. 1, 1016
Yesterday, DJ wrote:
It’s possible Comey is bowing to the whims of Republicans and playing politics with an “October Surprise” that has the power to affect the election. Or, it’s possible that Comey is an illiterate loon who had a knee-jerk reaction to an unrelated case and jumped out in front of it all without fully considering the consequences. [….]
Based on all the info we now know concerning this "mess" I'd say both statements are true. Comey was getting hammered by most Repubs for not indicting Hillary in the first place. So when presented with even the slimmest possibility to go after Hillary AGAIN Comey clearly punked-out trying to appease Repubs …and in a knee-jerk fashion, took the unprecedented and totally inappropriate step of meddling in an national election with NO apparent just cause – which btw has now triggered a major backlash against him from Dems AND some major Repubs.
IMO, Comey should resign. The sooner the better.
Now. Having said all that. I would be remiss not to also point out that had Hillary Clinton NOT been so arrogant and reckless as to have a private server in the first place, her enemies would never had had an *Email* controversy to dog her out about every day until the election and (if she's elected President) even beyond.
She brought this all on herself. Hope she…and Bill…are happy now….smh.