Comments on: Emails Come Back To Haunt Hillary News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 01 Nov 2016 10:42:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 01 Nov 2016 10:42:54 +0000 Tues. Nov. 1, 1016

Yesterday, DJ wrote:
It’s possible Comey is bowing to the whims of Republicans and playing politics with an “October Surprise” that has the power to affect the election. Or, it’s possible that Comey is an illiterate loon who had a knee-jerk reaction to an unrelated case and jumped out in front of it all without fully considering the consequences. [….]

Based on all the info we now know concerning this "mess" I'd say both statements are true. Comey was getting hammered by most Repubs for not indicting Hillary in the first place. So when presented with even the slimmest possibility to go after Hillary AGAIN Comey clearly punked-out trying to appease Repubs …and in a knee-jerk fashion, took the unprecedented and totally inappropriate step of meddling in an national election with NO apparent just cause – which btw has now triggered a major backlash against him from Dems AND some major Repubs.

IMO, Comey should resign. The sooner the better.

Now. Having said all that. I would be remiss not to also point out that had Hillary Clinton NOT been so arrogant and reckless as to have a private server in the first place, her enemies would never had had an *Email* controversy to dog her out about every day until the election and (if she's elected President) even beyond.

She brought this all on herself. Hope she…and Bill…are happy now….smh.

By: Mr. BD Mon, 31 Oct 2016 16:50:56 +0000 Oh boy this is a big mess. Comey is either trying to meddle with the election or he is just stupid. I heard this information he supposedly has he had three weeks ago, but he's just now saying something? Something is real wrong with that. Even if he is not trying to hurt Hillary Clinton he already did just by the perception she did something wrong. He can't be that stupid though. You just don't do what he did and not come out with some real facts. I'm going to pray on this one and hope people aren't stupid enough to vote for Trump over this.
