Comments on: Entertainers Just Say No To Trump Inauguration News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 05 Dec 2016 12:37:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Mon, 05 Dec 2016 12:37:47 +0000 In reply to Ben5114.

Monday. Dec. 5th, 2016

Hi Ben…and thanks for your response.

I disagree with some of your key points…but I very much appreciate the Civil manner in which you expressed them. We greatly value Civility and Independent thinking around here.

If I may address just a few of your points………..

CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, NY Times and Time magazine were so blatant in there bias for Hillary and Obama it was obscene. […]

I'm inclined to agree with you a little but only as it relates to Pres. Obama. However, no way ANY man running for the office of President would ever be held to the type of sexist standard that Hillary was subjected to.

Btw- most regular readers of this site know that I am no fan of either Bill or Hillary Clinton. IMO their smug arrogance -believing they don't have to play by rules – has always been their Achilles heel. Add to that, the fact that Hillary was indeed a horrible candidate and most of her campaign staff was as smug and as arrogant – made her chances of wining the Presidency anything but a slam-dunk. But I digress.

On any given day the American news media fixated on Hillary's supposed lack of every *womanly* quality known to human-kind, as if she was running for Miss America NOT President of the United States. Then that same media had the gall to try to the American people felt that Hillary came across as acting "too manly" for the job. WHAT!?!?

Hate was and is demonstrated by sad faced Dems since the election. There weren't riots after Obama was elected. […]

I'm sure you know the difference between sadness and Hate. I can't speak for those who chose to riot after the election. Suffice it to say I did not – and would never- condone such a thing.

But also I will never forget that during the entire 8 years of Obama's Presidency as sizable population of (mostly) white Americans chose to express their hatred for the man primarily because he's Black. And for the past 18 months leading up to this election, their nasty, vile and racist screed was given LOUD voice by a fella named Donald J. Trump with over $2 billion dollars worth of of FREE media from the American news media.

Okay. One last point to address. Your wrote: I felt that Trump was a poor chose but Hillary was far worse, that is how he won. [….]

Um. Not exactly. Hillary was a poor candidate but even with her flaws she's head and shoulders ABOVE Trump. And in the end, the majority of American voters chose HER over Trump by casting over 2 million more votes for her than him.

Trump won the electoral college. Not even close to the majority of votes.

Thanks again for the exchange.

By: Same American Thu, 01 Dec 2016 22:57:48 +0000 In reply to J K Hein.

So it has effected both your fingers and brain!

By: Mr. BD Thu, 01 Dec 2016 20:01:42 +0000 In reply to Ben5114.

Are you serious?? You are really going to sit there and say Obama is second worst president ever? So you're going to skip over Richard Watergate Nixon? Or George W Iraq war Bush? Or his father George read my lips Bush Sr? I know a lot of people don't like Obama because he's black and I've learn to accept that. But don't call him a bad president just because you don't like him personally. From day one Repubs pledged to just say no to everything he would ever try to accomplish. But even with them purposely blocking him from the get go he still managed to stay above things and didn't let their pettyness ruin his presidency.. Plus no scandals, no mistress, no corruption no nothing. Him and his family have been the model presidential family. Unlike Trump who cheated on every wife with the next wife, and grabs women's p*ssy and whose wife has naked pictures all over the internet.

By: Ben5114 Thu, 01 Dec 2016 19:40:31 +0000 In reply to Truthiz1.

While I agree with you on the media to a certain respect I see what you've written in a polar opposite. CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, NY Times and Time magazine were so blatant in there bias for Hillary and Obama it was obscene. Hate was and is demonstrated by sad faced Dems since the election. There weren't riots after Obama was elected. The liberal democrats and liberal media has kept this hate and division going. As far as media being a security threat I 100% agree, but is it any less threat than Hillary as SEC of State or an Obama administration letting terrorists into our country unvetted. There are immigrants who try to come here 'legally'. Maybe that process should be easier but to open our borders to mass groups without vetting and bypassing those who are in the process of getting citizenship correctly is not right. Funny how are views can be the same fit so different. I felt that Trump was a poor chose but Hillary was far worse, that is how he won. The fact that republicans can admit that but democrats don't see what a horrible candidate she was scares me the most. Jobs will hopefully come back, healthcare will get better and hopefully some good Supreme Court justices will be appointed in Trumps one term then Pres Pence or Cruz or Rubio can carry on the continue to heal a country that was divided long before this election but during the last 8 yrs of what I view as our second worse president ever! Nobody could be worse than Carter!

By: Dennis Thu, 01 Dec 2016 19:10:10 +0000 Very well said ……
