Comments on: Eric Garner Case Sparks Nationwide Movement News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:52:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthizz Mon, 08 Dec 2014 15:36:28 +0000 Wake up, America. Black males have had enough. The nation has had enough. A police state where innocent black males are murdered on our streets by rogue cops (or wannabe cops: George Zimmerman) and where racist judicial systems allow them to walk free will no longer be tolerated. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! [….]

Well Said DJ. Could not have expressed it any better myself..!!!

Like BD, I too was genuinely surpised (and absolutely thrilled) to see so many people (especially young adults) of racial and ethnic diversity, participating across this country. That's exactly the kind of support it took for the Civil Rights Movement to achieve success.

Being from a small city in PA, there was no marching here. But had there been one in my neck of the woods I would have surely been in the number.

My sincere Thanks and Appreciation to all those who marched and protested Peacefully.

By: allstart Mon, 08 Dec 2014 15:23:58 +0000 Wow, what a inspiring heartfelt article. I am so impressed and maybe even a little jealous, that you were there helping to make change and make history. Where I live a feel a little removed from this situation, but I feel that a national change needs to be made. With the recent developments in Oregon, I hope we stop taking this kind of stuff lying down. Very Moving, thanks DJ!

By: Mr. BD Mon, 08 Dec 2014 12:21:23 +0000 Thank you thank you DJ for doing this story on Eric Garner and for marching. I live in Jersey but work in the city and I was there marching too. I couldn't believe all the whites, asians latinos who marched too. I heard many say that Mike Brown situation had a lot of holes in it but Eric Garner was plain murder. I'm glad it continued all through the weekend even in the rain, and in alot of other cities too. This was a wake up call. A old high school buddy of mine is a cop and he said the protests made all them feel betrayed. I told him Theres a lot of good cops like him but this was for the bad ones that think they're above the law. I hope we made a difference and Eric Garner didn't die in vain.
