Comments on: EVANGELICALS BACK SANTORUM News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Thu, 19 Jan 2012 14:05:46 +0000 <span>Politico: "Evangelicals in an Uproar Over Rick Santorum Endorsement"   A dispute among evangelical leaders over endorsing the ex-senator has mushroomed into bitter charges of deceit and bad faith as the GOP race heads toward South Carolina.   The private meeting of conservative religious leaders at a Texas ranch last weekend was billed as a unifying event for the evangelical right to come behind a consensus presidential candidate. But a kumbaya moment it was not.   Religious leaders favoring other candidates now say that the meeting of more than 100 religious activists was manipulated to favor Santorum going into the Jan. 21 primary in South Carolina, and in no way reflects a global view from the Christian right. […]   Read:…</span><span></span><span></span><span>And in OTHER Santorum-related news: It appears Santorum WON Iowa, which means Mitt DIDN'T. It also appears that either Iowa doesn't know what the h*ll it's doing in carrying out its Caucus process(?) OR someone tried to put the *fix* in to give Romney the win(?) Either way, we'll never know. </span><span></span><span>Des Moines Register and Tribune Co.</span><span></span><span>The Results: Santorum finished ahead by 34 votes  MISSING DATA: 8 precincts’ numbers will never be certified  Party Verdict: GOP official says, ‘It’s a split decision’ </span><span></span><span>Rick Santorum – Final total: 29,839 Change: -168  Mitt Romney – Final total: 29,805 Change: -210   GOP: "It’s a tie for the ages."   Read:…</span><span></span><span>So let me get this straight: When it was thought that Romney had edged out Santorum by EIGHT votes it was touted as a "WIN" for Romney. But now that the results show Santorum actually beat Romney by THIRTY-FOUR votes the GOP calls it a "SPLIT DECISION"..?! …"A TIE"..?! </span><span></span><span>Lol. Yeah. Okay.</span>

By: Truthiz Wed, 18 Jan 2012 14:34:19 +0000 <span>Talk about an exercise in futlity…smh.   The truth is, many (if not most) southern White evangelicals view the Catholic faith in slightly better light than the Mormon faith, which many (if not most) southern White evangelicals view as NOT Christian at all.   In fact, it's being reported this morning on MSNBC that Rick Perry, of late, has taken to making a NOT so subtle point of REMINDING voters in S.C. who attend his townhall speeches that Santorum is "CATHOLIC." There's a reason Perry is doing that. No shortage of Christianist BIGOTS in the Republican party!   In short: No. In the grand scheme of things, this so-called "evangelical-backing" of Santorum will prove to make pretty much NO difference at all. He can't (and won't) defeat Romney.</span>
