
Evangelicals, Trump, And Christian Hypocrisy

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The rules of Christianity are frequently fluid and can change with the wind. When evangelicals are asked to explain the logic behind this concept of “playing fast and loose” with Christianity’s long-standing set of rules, their answer is usually simple and laughable all at the same time: because God “told” them so.

Since the beginning of time, people have used the self-made excuse that “God told me to do it” as a way to justify their own actions. “God told me to hate black people,” or, “God told me to kill that person,” or, “God told me to give my entire life savings to that jet-setting televangelist I see on TV” have all been used as excuses to make people feel better about their wildly conceived actions.  However, is God really talking that much and micromanaging us on who to kill and hate?

The funny thing is that the bible clearly states that “God is love,” yet Christian Evangelicals still justify a way for them to hate. The bible clearly states that Jesus led a life helping the poor, the sick, and the unfortunate, yet Evangelicals still find a way to turn their backs on others. The bible clearly says “Judge not, so that ye shall not be judged,” yet Evangelicals still spend their waking hours playing “God” and judging others for not doing/being/believing like them.


One of my biggest problems with Christianity is that it’s loaded with hypocrites. It’s a club full of people who empower each other to feel better than anyone who doesn’t follow their select set of rules, then pass judgment on those outside of the clique — despite the plain as day admonition in their bible that only God has the authority to judge. However, when Evangelicals are sitting high and mighty on their pedestal overlooking the minions who have a different belief system than their own, who has time to bother with a trivial little bible verse which says NOT to do what their inflated ego feels oh sooo good being permitted to do anyway?

Evangelicals will refuse to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple, but will gladly do so for an adulterer, a couple celebrating the birth of a baby out-of-wedlock, or a divorced man or woman. Evangelicals claim to be “Pro-Life,” yet they back the death penalty, refuse to provide life-saving health procedures and insurance to the sick, refuse to back food programs for the needy, and are in bed with the NRA — which values the right of gun ownership over the lives of kindergarteners and high school kids killed by military grade assault rifles.  To put it bluntly, their logic is simply all over the map and basically dwindles down to the whims of the individual.

So, how does one explain the logic behind Christians and Evangelicals?  You can’t, so you don’t — particularly when it comes to Donald Trump.

“The Donald’ has been accused of sexual misconduct and/or assault by at least 17 women.  He has been married 3 times.  He openly committed adultery against his first wife with a woman who, soon after, became his 2nd wife.  He also cheated on his 3rd and very pregnant wife with a pornstar — then paid off the X-rated sex worker for her silence. Yet, Evangelicals are in LOVE with him and he can do no wrong.  Why???


Recently, CNN’s Randi Kaye interviewed a sextet of female Trump supporters from Dallas, TX who said they voted for him because of his “conservative beliefs.” The women began the interview with a prayer for Trump, then boasted about how he “stands up for freedom of religion and freedom of churches.”  Apparently, they must be under the assumption that Christianity is the only religion and the only church, since Trump is responsible for creating the Muslim ban.

When Kaye asked the women if they cared about Trump’s affair with Stormy Daniels, the woman shouted  “No” and admitted that his base doesn’t care that he cheated on his pregnant wife with a pornstar.  According to them, they “look to their faith” for guidance in such matters.

All 6 ladies agreed with Evangelical leader Tony Perkins, who acknowledged that as long as Trump is pushing the conservative agenda, he deserves “a pass” since “Christianity is about mercy and grace.”


If Barack Obama had committed even 1/10th of what Trump has done, Christians would have descended on the gates of The White House carrying pitchforks and torches ready to judge and condemn.  However, for Donald Trump, he gets a “free pass.”  Why??


The answer is simple. The agenda of Evangelicals is usually the identical agenda of rich, White Republicans. Therefore, for as long as Donald Trump is rich, white, and a Republican — and is following a conservative political agenda — he no longer needs to follow the clear-cut rules of Christianity.  He can do whatever he wants and be given a free pass because, if he is pushing conservatism then he is pushing “God’s word.”

How does any of this make logical sense?  Why are Christian rules one way for most of us but different for Donald Trump?  In fact, why is the logic of Christianity so convoluted, contradictory, and downright hypocritical??


OK WASSUP! discusses Christianity:
The hypocrisy of Evangelicals.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. “How does any of this make logical sense?”

    It doesn’t…unless you’re one of *them.” (and THEY know who they are).

    DJ, your post yesterday and today shines a much-needed spotlight on an obvious and quite disheartening Truth about American “Christianity.” You point out the fact, that throughout our nation’s history many so-called “followers of Christ” have displayed a Christian faith that is “so convoluted, contradictory, and downright hypocritical” that it defies logic.

    I am a Christian, “born and raised” (as they say). And it truly breaks my heart to say..I have never understood how it is that Christianity (American Christianity, in particular) has always been so easily hijacked, twisted, and distorted by every 2-bit charlatan under the sun. I don’t get it!?!

    While personally my own faith is strong, I long ago came to the conclusion that generally speaking, American Christianity is weak. Many of its followers lack discernment of any kind. Many of them could care less about the blatant hypocrisy and/or racist and/or bigoted views they display. Many of them want to be “led” by some authoritarian-sounding person even if their “leader” is as blind (deeply flawed) as they are..if not moreso. “The blind leading the blind.”

    Add money and power and all manner of other toxic crap to the the mix and sadly, you’ve got what I think is the general definition of American Christianity.

  2. DJ you are on a role the past two weeks. Like Truth said this is another important topic a lot of people are too scared to talk about. You are right Christianity is full of a lot of contradictions. And Repubs are doing a old trick and using religion to discriminate. Like they say they are pro life but all that is only for a baby in the womb. Soon as that life is born they could give a damn about it. Then they talk about Trump protecting churches but they only mean their church. I get tired of Christians being hypocrites and judging people so much. But I guess people think they can do anything under the name religion. For sure Trump can because they don’t care what he does as long as he propping them up and taking their orders.

    1. “…..they say they are pro life but all that is only for a baby in the womb. Soon as that life is born they could give a damn about it.”

      You’re darn right BD. Evangelicals are not now (nor have they ever been) “pro-life.” They are pro-FETUS. That’s it. After the baby is born those zealots couldn’t care less about the child.

  3. And right on cue….another Repub christianist hypocrite OUTED!

    “Republicans fret sexting scandal could cost them easy House seat”

    Republicans are fretting that a front-runner for an Arizona congressional seat — a married minister involved in a sexting scandal — will pull a Roy Moore and hand the seat to Democrats if he wins Tuesday’s special-election primary.

    The seat vacated by former GOP Rep. Trent Franks — who resigned last December over his own sex scandal — should be an easy hold for Republicans.

    But a bombshell report of nude photos and text messages exchanged between the candidate, former state Sen. Steve Montenegro, and a legislative staffer — published just a week before the election — has left GOP operatives worried that “it could be Alabama all over again,” said Shiree Verdone, who ran Arizona Sen. John McCain’s 2010 Senate race.

    Before the turmoil, Montenegro had lined up endorsements from Franks and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), whose leadership PAC boosted Montenegro in TV ads. He was tied in the polls with Debbie Lesko, his former colleague in the state Senate — both quit the chamber to run for the seat — when ballots were mailed out at the end of January.

    “Deep down, I’m worried because I don’t want this to be another Roy Moore situation,” Verdone added. […] – Politico

  4. Aaaaand there’s THIS………..

    “Republicans flock to take out scandal-plagued Duncan Hunter”

    Rep. Duncan Hunter, already staring down an FBI investigation, is running into serious turbulence for reelection.

    Sensing that the five-term congressman is mortally wounded by a federal investigation into alleged misuse of campaign money and a recent POLITICO report about his freewheeling Washington lifestyle, Republicans in Hunter’s San Diego-area district are lining up to challenge him. […] -Politico

    Yes indeed. Another self-described “family values” guy who, no doubt, is a proud christianist also.

    The truth is, those people creep me out. And we are certainly NOT of the same faith. Not.At.All.

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