Comments on: Evangelicals, Trump, And Christian Hypocrisy News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 28 Feb 2018 06:46:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 27 Feb 2018 18:42:48 +0000 Aaaaand there’s THIS………..

“Republicans flock to take out scandal-plagued Duncan Hunter”

Rep. Duncan Hunter, already staring down an FBI investigation, is running into serious turbulence for reelection.

Sensing that the five-term congressman is mortally wounded by a federal investigation into alleged misuse of campaign money and a recent POLITICO report about his freewheeling Washington lifestyle, Republicans in Hunter’s San Diego-area district are lining up to challenge him. […] -Politico

Yes indeed. Another self-described “family values” guy who, no doubt, is a proud christianist also.

The truth is, those people creep me out. And we are certainly NOT of the same faith. Not.At.All.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 27 Feb 2018 18:24:16 +0000 And right on cue….another Repub christianist hypocrite OUTED!

“Republicans fret sexting scandal could cost them easy House seat”

Republicans are fretting that a front-runner for an Arizona congressional seat — a married minister involved in a sexting scandal — will pull a Roy Moore and hand the seat to Democrats if he wins Tuesday’s special-election primary.

The seat vacated by former GOP Rep. Trent Franks — who resigned last December over his own sex scandal — should be an easy hold for Republicans.

But a bombshell report of nude photos and text messages exchanged between the candidate, former state Sen. Steve Montenegro, and a legislative staffer — published just a week before the election — has left GOP operatives worried that “it could be Alabama all over again,” said Shiree Verdone, who ran Arizona Sen. John McCain’s 2010 Senate race.

Before the turmoil, Montenegro had lined up endorsements from Franks and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), whose leadership PAC boosted Montenegro in TV ads. He was tied in the polls with Debbie Lesko, his former colleague in the state Senate — both quit the chamber to run for the seat — when ballots were mailed out at the end of January.

“Deep down, I’m worried because I don’t want this to be another Roy Moore situation,” Verdone added. […] – Politico

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 27 Feb 2018 18:16:37 +0000 In reply to Mr.BD.

“…..they say they are pro life but all that is only for a baby in the womb. Soon as that life is born they could give a damn about it.”

You’re darn right BD. Evangelicals are not now (nor have they ever been) “pro-life.” They are pro-FETUS. That’s it. After the baby is born those zealots couldn’t care less about the child.

By: Mr.BD Tue, 27 Feb 2018 16:57:21 +0000 DJ you are on a role the past two weeks. Like Truth said this is another important topic a lot of people are too scared to talk about. You are right Christianity is full of a lot of contradictions. And Repubs are doing a old trick and using religion to discriminate. Like they say they are pro life but all that is only for a baby in the womb. Soon as that life is born they could give a damn about it. Then they talk about Trump protecting churches but they only mean their church. I get tired of Christians being hypocrites and judging people so much. But I guess people think they can do anything under the name religion. For sure Trump can because they don’t care what he does as long as he propping them up and taking their orders.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 27 Feb 2018 14:55:49 +0000 “How does any of this make logical sense?”

It doesn’t…unless you’re one of *them.” (and THEY know who they are).

DJ, your post yesterday and today shines a much-needed spotlight on an obvious and quite disheartening Truth about American “Christianity.” You point out the fact, that throughout our nation’s history many so-called “followers of Christ” have displayed a Christian faith that is “so convoluted, contradictory, and downright hypocritical” that it defies logic.

I am a Christian, “born and raised” (as they say). And it truly breaks my heart to say..I have never understood how it is that Christianity (American Christianity, in particular) has always been so easily hijacked, twisted, and distorted by every 2-bit charlatan under the sun. I don’t get it!?!

While personally my own faith is strong, I long ago came to the conclusion that generally speaking, American Christianity is weak. Many of its followers lack discernment of any kind. Many of them could care less about the blatant hypocrisy and/or racist and/or bigoted views they display. Many of them want to be “led” by some authoritarian-sounding person even if their “leader” is as blind (deeply flawed) as they are..if not moreso. “The blind leading the blind.”

Add money and power and all manner of other toxic crap to the the mix and sadly, you’ve got what I think is the general definition of American Christianity.
