The Republican candidate for US Senate from Missouri was ostracized for his comments that a woman’s body was magical enough to shut down the pregnancy from a “legitimate” rape. Well, the stampede away from Akin and his toxic remarks was faster than the running of the bulls at Pamplona. Even his own party turned their backs on him, pulling all campaign cash and support when he ignored their requests to drop out of the race. But that didn’t stop these 3 stooges from jumping on his bandwagon.
Gingrich announced his support by defending Akin earlier this week, noting that politicians frequently say “odd” things. He added that if saying something odd was enough to prevent anyone from holding public office, then Joe Biden wouldn’t be vice-president. Santorum and DeMint harmonized in agreement.
Do these clowns have a point? Should everyone get past Akin’s remarks and simply let it go?? Or are they all loony attention seekers who are each unfit for public office???