Current Events

Exxon, Tillerson, Trump, and Putin

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Exxon, Tillerson, Trump, and Putin

Current Events –
Exxon, Tillerson,
Trump, and Putin

What does Exxon-Mobile, former Exxon Chairman and new US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump have in common?

Take a look at this video from MSNBC and prepare to be amazed!





OK WASSUP! covers current events:
Exxon, Tillerson, Trump, and Putin
have something in common.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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DJ my good man, you have just highlighted the $Billion dollar, if not $Trillion dollar ANSWER to the question! Thank you. Everyday it's drip-drip-drip. More factual evidence is leaked to the press that brings this whole Scam of a presidency clearer into view doesn't it? Now. …it's no secret to regular readers that my opinion of the American news media, generally speaking, is pretty low…especially cable news networks. But I must give credit where credit is due. Rachelle Maddow, Fareed Zakaria, Chris Hayes and Michael Smerconish are 4 people I will give the time of day to. Rachelle, in particular, has been absolutely Relentless in gathering a lot of incredible factual info in her quest to thread the needle (if you will) trying to get at the Truth of the Trump-Russia connection. And night-after-night she lays it all out in great detail for viewers to SEE with our own eyes.… Read more »

Mr. BD

Follow the money. That is so right.

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