Comments on: Exxon, Tillerson, Trump, and Putin News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 06 Mar 2017 11:55:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Fri, 03 Mar 2017 18:17:12 +0000 Follow the money. That is so right.

By: Truthiz1 Fri, 03 Mar 2017 15:12:21 +0000 DJ my good man, you have just highlighted the $Billion dollar, if not $Trillion dollar ANSWER to the question! Thank you.

Everyday it's drip-drip-drip. More factual evidence is leaked to the press that brings this whole Scam of a presidency clearer into view doesn't it?

Now. …it's no secret to regular readers that my opinion of the American news media, generally speaking, is pretty low…especially cable news networks.

But I must give credit where credit is due. Rachelle Maddow, Fareed Zakaria, Chris Hayes and Michael Smerconish are 4 people I will give the time of day to.

Rachelle, in particular, has been absolutely Relentless in gathering a lot of incredible factual info in her quest to thread the needle (if you will) trying to get at the Truth of the Trump-Russia connection. And night-after-night she lays it all out in great detail for viewers to SEE with our own eyes. Her efforts have been Outstanding to say the least.

IF what appears to be True is, in the end, PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be True, Rachelle should be awarded whatever the highest award is for investigative political journalism because she will have EARNED it. .

But the highest recognition, IMO, must go to Congresswoman Maxine Waters (of whom I'm NOT a fan). Ms. Waters has been saying from the the very start of this Scam of a presidency.."FOLLOW The Money."

Broken down to its core *Follow The Oil* = "Follow The Money." That's the Trump-Russia connection.

We MUST see Trump's tax returns.
