How do you lose track of 119,000 aircraft?
That’s a good question to ask the Federal Aviation Administration, who recently admitted it’s missing crucial information regarding who owns roughly one-third of the 357,000 private and commercial aircraft currently in the U.S. And isn’t that exactly what terrorists and drug traffickers have been hoping for?
Reportedly, FAA records are in such disarray, officials are concerned criminals could buy planes unbeknownst to the government, or use the registration numbers of other aircraft to evade new computer technology designed to track suspicious flights.
About 119,000 of the aircraft on the U.S. registry have “questionable registration” due to missing forms, invalid addresses, unreported sales or a myriad of other paperwork problems. And surprisingly, the FAA admits in many cases it simply cannot say who owns a plane or even whether it is still flying or has been junked.
In response to this incredibly messy lax in safety, the FAA has ordered all aircraft owners to re-register their planes in an effort to clean up its files. But without knowing who all the owners are, exactly how successful with this late clean-up effort really be?
So they can't keep track of the planes but um…they're patting down every man, woman and CHILD to supposedly make sure there are No terrorists aboard the planes they CAN'T even keep track of??!Hmmm…you really can't make this stuff up_smh 🙁 !