Comments on: Facebook Fire Challenge News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:52:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stacey Thu, 07 Aug 2014 00:51:53 +0000 This is the first time that I am hearing of this as I do not have Facebook and I rarely watch Youtube. I can not understand how anyone, teenager or not, can find this behavior to be comical let alone acceptable. Where are these children's parents? Where are the adults? I can not wrap my mind around this at all.

By: Mr. BD Wed, 06 Aug 2014 19:06:15 +0000 This is so ignorant. I hate to say it but if somebody is that stupid to do some bullcrap like this, they deserve whatever they got coming. Were we ever this stupid as kids? smh

By: Truthizz Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:55:29 +0000 The teen said he saw the challenge on Facebook and YouTube and decided to try it, without ever considering the consequences or the physical aftermath once the burst of flames subsided. [….]

Honestly, I believe, above and beyond any other "threat" our country is facing right now….the biggest threat that We, the People are faceing is…..We, The People.

Whether it be the majority of Americans supporting the wholesale slaughter of INNOCENT people, for little or NO reaason at all. Dropping mega-ton "smart-bombs" on men, women and children of a foreign country who did absolutely NOTHING to provoke such a barbaric action. OR politicians who protect the rights of gun-MANUFACTURERS to make and sell as many guns (and ammunition) as possible to as many people as possible, regardless of the psycho-social status of the gun buyer. Society be d*mned.

Whether it be a nutjob wannabe cop stalking and then KILLING an unarmed young Black man, in the street, in the dead of night for simply wearing a hoodie. And then having a jury of HIS peers find him to be "Not.Guilty." OR members of the NYPD who feel that choke-holding an innocent man TO DEATH is perfectly acceptable.

Whether it be teenagers who are so intellectually deficient they think it's cool to douse themselves with alcohol and then set themselves on fire for …well..just for kicks. OR adults who are even more intellectually deficient that they stand around filming the entire event!?!

We, the People, of America, are our own Worst. Nightmare.
