Fake News Media ‘Enemy Of The People’ Says Trump
Donald Trump is at war — with the critical (Read: truthful) members of the press he refers to as the ‘Fake News Media.’ Here’s why Trump’s media war is a bunch of baloney.
Current Events
After more than a dozen pipe bombs were mailed to critics of Trump by an admitted Donald Trump follower last week, “The Donald” spent roughly 4 minutes pretending to care about the rancor and incivility that has engulfed the nation. However, it didn’t take long for his extremely brief moment of compassion to wear off and for his stubby little finger to point blame away from himself and back toward the ‘Fake News Media.’ Hmmm…

Trump began his Monday morning by tweeting this:
“There is great anger in our Country caused in part by inaccurate, and even fraudulent, reporting of the news. The Fake News Media, the true Enemy of the People, must stop the open & obvious hostility & report the news accurately & fairly.”
These words came less than 24 hours after a gunman targeted and killed 11 Jews inside a Pittsburgh synagogue.
Yes, the man who is supposedly the President of the United States was back to blaming the media for creating “great anger in our Country” and calling the ‘Fake News Media’ the “true Enemy of the People.”
Well, it didn’t take long for a member of the media to call Trump out on his words.
During a testy exchange on Monday with White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, CNN’s Jim Acosta took Trump to task for his media blame-game.
ACOSTA: “The President said this morning the fake news media, the true enemy of the people, must stop. They have a responsibility to report the news accurately and fairly. Can you state for the record which outlets you and the President regard as the enemy of the people?”
SANDERS: “I’m not going to walk through a list but I think those individuals probably know who they are.”
ACOSTA: “Would that include my outlet, which received pipe bombs last week?”
SANDERS: “I don’t think it’s necessarily specific to a broad generalization of a full outlet, at times, I think there’s individuals that the President would be referencing.”
Yes, Trump and his White House minions were eager to deflect blame from Trump himself, but not quite willing to specify where the blame should be directed. Hmmm…
Despite repeated private and public warnings by US intelligence and White House officials for Donald Trump to consider the threat to national security and stop using his personal cellphone, “The Donald” has regularly ignored all warnings and proceeded anyway. However, when various press outlets did their jobs and reported on the cellphone misuse, Trump blamed the ‘Fake News Media’ for blasting the story instead of his own stubborn mentality.
According to a report by the New York Times, American intelligence agencies have determined that spies from both China and Russia are regularly listening in on Trump’s cellphone calls. Specifically, Chinese spies are monitoring the calls in order to gain information that might help avoid further trade conflict with the United States.
However, instead of acknowledging that The Times was merely printing what his own intelligence officials have preached since he arrived in the Oval Office, Trump took to Twitter to attack the article as “soooo wrong” and “boring.” Hmmm…
The so-called experts on Trump over at the New York Times wrote a long and boring article on my cellphone usage that is so incorrect I do not have time here to correct it. I only use Government Phones, and have only one seldom used government cell phone. Story is soooo wrong!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 25, 2018
Current Events
Why is Donald Trump at war with (sans Fox News) the US press? Why does he repeatedly refer to them as the ‘Fake News Media?’ Ladies and gentlemen, do not be fooled by “The Donald'” and his circus act.
To be honest, Trump LOVES the media. The narcissistic man pretending to lead the country constantly craves attention and actually gets off by watching and reading every little tidbit of information the press presents about him.
Further, Trump NEEDS the media. In his little “Us versus Them” game he played to get elected and continues to play today in order to promote his own popularity, Trump uses the media as a target for his crazed followers to focus their deep-rooted anger on. So, it benefits him to keep the ‘Fake News Media’ around as red meat for his supporters to feast on like a 100-pound box of steaks inside a lion’s den. After all, every story needs a villain and, in Trump’s tale, the press is the perpetual “bad guy” that’s always beating up on “Us” (i.e. Trump and his followers).
For as long as Trump continues to portray the news media as “the true Enemy of the People,” his followers will continue to have a punching bag to direct their (fleeting “White Power”) anger and a permission slip to continue to act out violently.
‘Fake News Media?’ Don’t let Donald Trump fool you!
For as long as Trump continues to portray the news media as “the true Enemy of the People,” his followers will continue to have a punching bag to direct their (fleeting “White Power”) anger and a permission slip to continue to act out violently. […] – DJ
Yep. That’s it in a nutshell.
The man and his followers are “at war” with Truth and Facts and Reality. He (and they) live in a pretty dark world.
This guy is inciting violence. It’s like everything that just happen didn’t even phase him. I pray something happens to get this fool out of office soon as possible. I don’t think we can last two more years with him before something real bad happens.
“It’s like everything that just happen didn’t even phase him.”
It doesn’t phase him BD. Never has. Never will. He’s an empty black hole. And yes, he is deliberately “inciting violence”- it’s a cynical and contemptible socio-political tactic employed by a wannabe totalitarian leader who doesn’t give one d*mn about his country or the American people (not even his followers).
It’s just about him and pulling out ALL the stops to save his FAKE alpha azz.