Fake News Showdown At The White House

Politics –
Fake News Showdown
At The White House
Donald Trump’s continuous claims that every legitimate news outlet is ‘fake news’ and he is the only reliable source took a tumultuous turn on Tuesday during a heated exchange.
During Tuesday’s briefing, Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders openly complained to the media about the use of “unnamed sources” and “the constant barrage of fake news” aimed at the administration. That’s when Brian Karem, a reporter from the Sentinel Newspapers, let it be known that he had had enough of the wild claims and tore into both Sanders and Trump.
“If any one of us doesn’t get it right, the audience has the opportunity to turn the channel or not read us,” Karem said. “You have been elected to serve four years at least — there’s no option other than that.”
Although Karem was speaking for himself, he was echoing the sentiments of all of his colleagues, who have been frequently degraded by Trump as “fake news” and who have been banned from televising White House press briefings.
“We’re in here asking you questions,” Karem boldly continued. “You’re here to provide the answers and what you just did is inflammatory to people all over the country who look at it and say, ‘See, once again, the president’s right, and everybody else out here is fake media.’ And everybody in this room is trying to do their job.”
As expected, Sanders immediately went on the defensive.
“I disagree completely. I think if anything’s been inflamed, it’s often the dishonesty that takes in the news media. And I think it’s outrageous for you to accuse me of inflaming a story.”
Earlier, Sanders was asked why the prompt resignations of the CNN reporters (who retracted an inaccurate story regarding a “Russian investment fund with ties to Trump officials”) only thrust Donald Trump into “See, I was right” mode as if it were concrete proof that all the networks peddle “fake news.”
“I think it’s the constant barrage of fake news directed at this president probably that has garnered a lot of his frustration,” Sanders replied. She then used the example of a video from conservative rabble-rouser James O’Keefe — that appeared to show a CNN medical producer saying the network’s coverage of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election is “mostly bullsh*t” — as her weapon of proof.
“There’s a video circulating now — whether it’s accurate or not I don’t know — but I would encourage everybody in this room and frankly everybody across the country to take a look at it,” Sanders said. “I think if it is accurate I think it’s a disgrace to all of media, to all of journalism. I think that we have gone to a place where if the media can’t be trusted to report the news, then that’s a dangerous place for America.”

In spite of her admonition of the press, Sanders did not address why Donald Trump believes any news outlet which doesn’t agree with him is ‘fake news,’ why he has regular trouble presenting a clear and sensible message, and why he’s so afraid of the media that he no longer allows television cameras to film what he or his press secretaries say.
Still, Karem was having none of it.
“I don’t like bullies and I don’t like the entire situation of the press and free speech being castigated for no other reason than we either get stories wrong — which happens, and it should be then responsibly corrected — or because we report news the president doesn’t like — which seems to happen even more often than getting stories wrong,” Karem later said.
IMO, these two factions (American cable news and the Trump administration) truly deserve each other.
Trump craves endless attention by any means necessary. And cable news cynically uses Trump to boost their ratings by any means necessary. Both factions cling to one another in a kind of perverse dance, and with reckless abandon, in order to achieve their respective desired goals – the present and future of Our great country be d*mned.
Both factions are absolutely craven in how they operate. Together they've done tremendous damage to:
1. Our country and Our status in the world
2. Our political process, and most assuredly…..
3. the global perception of the office of the U.S. presidency.
Like i said…they deserve each other.
…..on a related note, their perverse dance continues…….
Trump Lobs Vicious Tweet Attack At Mika Brzezinski, Claiming She Had ‘Face-Lift’
Trump was particularly upset with the hosts of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Thursday morning, publishing particularly nasty tweets attacking Mika Brzezinski for going to his Mar-a-Lago resort after what he said was a “face lift.”
Trump tweet this morning:
"I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came.to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!"
Though Trump has continuously attacked the media now that he’s occupying the Oval Office, his Thursday morning attack on Brzezinksi was atypically personal and vicious.
It’s unclear exactly what prompted the tweets, but Trump has a longstanding feud with Brzezinski and “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough. The two spoke with Trump regularly during the 2016 campaign, forcing them to defend their initially cozy coverage of Trump. However, the co-hosts have become increasingly critical of the President since.
The Thursday tweets were somewhat reminiscent of Trump’s attack on former Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly. Trump blasted Kelly after a debate moderated by Fox News, saying he thought she must have had “blood coming out of her wherever.”
In an apparent response to Trump’s rage-fueled tweet, Brzezinski tweeted a picture of a Cheerios box with the tag line “made for little hands.” – Talking Points Memo, Politico, HuffPost
GOP senators: Trump attack on MSNBC hosts 'beneath the dignity' of his office
At least three GOP senators on Twitter assailed President Trump's Thursday morning attack on the hosts of MSNBC's "Morning Joe," saying the insults were "beneath the dignity" of the office of the president.
Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Ben Sasse (Neb.) and Susan Collins (Maine) joined a loud chorus on social media denouncing the president's latest tweets. […] – TPM, Politico, HuffPost
His despicable behavior is indeed "beneath the dignity" of the office of the President. But it is NOT beneath Trump. And we all know this because throughout the entire Repub primaries ..and then during the general race against Hillary the guy showed THE WORLD exactly who he is.
What he did to Mika this morning was simply par for the course.
Yes I did hear about the show down at the White House with that reporter. Glad to see somebody in there stand up for what is right. But what Trump said about with the Morning Joe host is ridiculous. The Repub senators are right that it is beneath the dignity of the office. In fact him tweeting every thought that comes to his mind is beneath the office. But I'm happy he said it. Keep doing dumb stuff like this and he will turn the Repubs against him. Then maybe they will finally throw the bafoon out since they hold all the power.
USA Today:
House Speaker Paul Ryan, three GOP senators and a GOP congresswoman on Thursday condemned President Trump for his Twitter attacks on the hosts of Morning Joe.
While it isn't unusual for the president to attack people on Twitter, his Thursday morning tweets insulting Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski drew particular ire from his fellow
On the Hill, Ryan told reporters, "Obviously I don't see that as an appropriate comment… What we're trying to do around here is improve the tone, the civility of the debate. And this obviously doesn't help do that."
Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Sen. James Lankford of South Carolina criticized the president's attacks on Twitter:
Update: Friday Morning, June 30, 2017 at about 7: 30 AM
I'm at work watching Morning Joe online. Joe and Mika postponed their scheduled vacation to come on their show this morning to address Trump's attack against Mika yesterday.
MSNBC, (via Joe and Mika) is predictably milking this latest Trump madness for all its worth. And what I find so disgusting in all this is that Joe and Mika were among Donald's best buds during the Repub primaries and during his run against Hillary. Joe and Mika as much ANY Trump supporter helped put that Vulgarian in the White House.
Further – watching cable news now being INCENSED over one of their own being "viciously attacked" by the same Vulgarian who cable news gave at least $2 billion dollars worth of FREE media to during his run for the presidency proves my point.
Trump/his sycophants and most of cable news in America ALL deserve each other.
Friday Morning, June 30, 2017 at about 7: 35 AM
On a more serious note…….
The world is watching ALL of this play out in real time and I can only imagine what leaders of countries who had been Our allies must be thinking now.
Friday Afternoon, June 30, 2017 at about 12:50 PM (EST)
Apparently, quite a few folks, both on the left and right, are taking issue with Mika's and Joe's totally BS claim this morning that Trump somehow "isn't" the same guy he was two years ago.
Say what?!
Ed Morrissey (conservative blogger & columnist): Scarborough: "This Isn’t The Same Trump From Two Years Ago"
Joe and Mika certainly have a case to make that Trump acted reprehensibly yesterday. Even if this is a feud that has had both sides acting inappropriately, one side consists of television hosts of a chatty morning show, and the other is … the head of state for the US and the leader of the free world. The public puts its trust in the latter to prioritize our interests, rather than use his office to answer personal insults.
However, one also expects political analysts of Joe and Mika’s stature to have more insight than this. Trump has been rude and crude his entire adult life, and from their ringside seats no one should know that better than Joe and Mika. To claim that they missed that aspect of Trump’s personality when it was on full display for everyone else is to undermine their own status as political commentators, a point made by NRO’s Andy McCarthy on Twitter.
McCarthy tweet: "If that's Scarborough's take, why would anyone want his analysis of anything?"
Joe and Mika have done fine work in this slot over the years, and have been gracious hosts to me on more than one occasion. I found Trump’s tweets offensive too and expected a pushback this morning, but … this argument that Trump has changed is sheer nonsense. And you know who points that out in an op-ed in today’s Washington Post? Joe and Mika. […] – Hotair
SEE: Mika's "Opinion" piece on the Washington Post website: "Donald Trump is not Well"
Friday Afternoon, June 30, 2017 at about 12:52 PM (EST)
C’mon, ‘Morning Joe’ Hosts — Trump Is Definitely The Same Guy He Was 2 Years Ago
They were friends of Trump in the early months of his presidential campaign, often having him dial in to their show for small talk and praise as the Republican presidential primary unfolded. But the relationship eventually soured. The negativity peaked Thursday morning, when Trump attacked the hosts on Twitter and hurled sexist remarks at Brzezinski.
Friday morning, while reflecting on the insults, Scarborough claimed that Trump has changed.
“The guy that’s in the White House now is not the guy we knew two years ago,” Scarborough said. “The guy that’s in the White House now is not even close.”
Let’s be real: Trump is definitely the same guy he was two years ago.
As Scarborough and Brzezinski heaped praise on Trump in the early days of his presidential campaign, he was busy waging a campaign against immigrants, mocking the disabled and regularly making sexist and offensive remarks about women. […] Paige Lavender, HuffPost writer